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Vijay Bidnurmath

Vijay's LinkedIn

Program: MBA (Full-time)
Term of entry: Fall 2017 
Graduation term: Spring 2019 

Hometown: Bangalore, India
Languages spoken: English, Kannada, Hindi
Most recent job: Senior Marketing Manager at Primolio Sales Inc.  

Why did you choose JMSB? The John Molson MBA program allowed me to do a general MBA rather than a specialized program. This gave me more opportunities in terms of choosing my future line of work. Also, the MBA program has a lot of external opportunities in the form of case competitions and various clubs, which was an attractive aspect.

Highlights of Program: Taking part in and winning the various case competitions. I had a great record of winning 3 internal competitions.

Favourite place in Montreal? Westmount Park

Future aspirations: My aspiration is to consult for one of the major consulting firms and eventually transition into having my own business.

What do you wish you knew before coming to JMSB? About the importance of learning French in Montreal to increase the opportunities in finding a job.

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