Webster Library Curriculum Collection Guide

English language arts
Teaching materials to support the development of oral and written language skills

Physical education & health
Ideas and activities that promote an active, healthy and safe lifestyle

Science & technology
Teaching materials for developing students' knowlege of science and technology

Environmental issues & living things
Ideas & activities for teaching mathematical concepts, problem solving, and reasoning

Geography & history

First Peoples (Canada)

Special needs education
Supporting special needs students and fostering an awareness of disabilities

Personal development
Ideas and activities for developing the individual's relationship to self, others, and society

Children's books by age group
Selection of books appropriate for infants, toddlers, preschool age and kindergarten age children

Blocks, games, puppets, & puzzles
Materials that support constructive, dramatic, and cooperative play

Cognitive development
Ideas and activities to support children's understanding of the world, creative thinking and problem solving

Physical & motor development
Teaching materials for developing gross and fine motor skills through movement, active play, and games

Social development
Ideas and activities for building social skills, learning to cooperate, and resolve conflicts

Language development
Ideas and activities for developing oral and written communication skills

Emotional development
Ideas and activities for identity and character formation, and for building self-esteem. A selection of teaching materials by topic
Image Credits
Images are Creative Commons, via Flickr. English Language Arts image by Ms. SmittyB, Children's Books image by jinglejammer, Graphic Novels image by Jan-Joost Verhoef, Children's Poetry image by Kidaha (via Pixabay), Mathematics image by Jani Halinen, Science & Technology image by OpenCLipArt Vectors, Environmental Image & Living Things image by Kevin Gill, Social Studies image by Udo S, First Nations & Indigenous Peoples image by Etolane, Arts Education image by Phil Roeder, Geography & History Image by Edmond Laliberté, Physical Education & Health image by Michiel Buijse, Personal Development image by Saranya Chawanrattanasakul, Special Needs image by Ann, Inclusive Education image by Chan Bliss, Interdisciplinary image by Peter Miller. Children's Books by Theme image by Joe Shlabotnik, Children's Books by Age image by Melanie, Cognitive Development image by Toni Blay, Emotional Development image by torbakhopper, Blocks, Games, Puppets & Puzzles image by Antonio, Language Development image by Peter Miller, Physical & Motor Development image by Bryan Villamor, Social Development image by bebemoss.com, Teaching Resources image by The Wizard.