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Education Subject Guide

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Key Education Databases
  • ERIC 
    Covers over 1,100 current journals, most of which are peer reviewed; also includes conference papers, research reports, and other grey literature (ERIC Documents).
  • Education Source 
    Includes thousands of scholarly and professional journals covering all areas of Education.
  • PsycINFO
    International coverage of scholarly journals in educational psychology and child development.
  • LearnTechLib
     Includes peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings related to all aspects of educational technology and e-learning.
Interdisciplinary Databases with Education Content
  • ABI/INFORM Global
    Essential resource for research and trade publications on human performance technology, online instruction, corporate training, etc.
  • Academic Search Complete
    Multidisciplinary database which includes scholarly education journals, many of which are fulltext.
  • Érudit
    Scholarly coverage of education issues relative to Canada and Quebec
  • Eureka
    Search for Education related stories in fulltext French language daily newspapers like La Presse and Le Devoir, as well as the magazine L'Actualité; also includes English language Canadian newspapers.
  • Business Source Complete
    Essential resource for research and trade publications on human performance technology, online instruction, corporate training, etc.
  • Canadian Public Policy Collection 
    Online collection of policy documents, government reports, and scholarly ebooks.
  • ProQuest Combined Canadian
    Search for Education related stories in fulltext Canadian daily newspapers newspapers, news sites, and journal articles
  • Repère 
    French language periodicals; useful for coverage of the Quebec education system.
  • OECD ilibrary (Policies)
    Useful for Comparative Education, providing International perspectives on Education issues; access to fulltext publications such as World Education Indicators, Education at a Glance:OECD Indicators.
  • ScienceDirect Journals 
    Provides access to key education and related journals not covered by ERIC or embargoed on Education Source (e.g. Computers & EducationComputers in Human Behavior).


Find scholarly background information

Find practice teaching curriculum materials

The two guides below are designed primarily to support student teachers in the Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEE) programme. They contain a selection of practice teaching materials appropriate for preschool and elementary school age children. These materials are located in the Webster Library Curriculum Collection (3rd floor). The collection includes children's books (fiction & non-fiction), activity and lesson planning books, games, puppets, and puzzles. 

Find theses and dissertations

  • Spectrum
    Locate Concordia Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations published from 1967 onwards.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
    Citations and abstracts to over two million Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations published since 1861;more than 600,000 are available fulltext
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)
    Indexes over 1.5 million electronic Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations from over 600 institutions around the world; includes links to fulltext

Find tests & measurements

Use the guide below to help you locate sources for tests and other measurement instruments.

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