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Michael Groenendyk
MBA Librarian
Icons credit: The Noun Project
Remember to cite your sources!
A statistics portal that provides data from thousands of institutions and sources. It provides access to ready-made statistical charts, graphs and tables from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government agencies. The data sets are grouped into 20 main categories covering topics such as media & advertising, telecommunications, chemicals, energy, consumer goods, e-commerce, banking, health care, retail, demographics, sports, transportation, tourism and more. |
A statistics portal that provides data from thousands of institutions and sources. It provides access to ready-made statistical charts, graphs and tables from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government agencies. The data sets are grouped into 20 main categories covering topics such as media & advertising, telecommunications, chemicals, energy, consumer goods, e-commerce, banking, health care, retail, demographics, sports, transportation, tourism and more. |
MBA Librarian
514-848-2424 ext. 7553 | | | |
LB-505.04 Webster Library 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. |
Office hours: by appointment |
Please feel free to contact me for research assistance, for library instruction, or to recommend books to purchase.
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