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Industry & Market Research

  • IBISWorld 
    • Provides access to a comprehensive collection of global industry market research reports.
    • Includes Canada, US, China and global industry reports.
    • Reports include analyses on: industry at a glance, industry performance, industry outlook, products & markets, competitive landscape, major companies, operating conditions, and key statistics.
  • Vividata 
    • Provides survey data on Canadian print readership, non-print media exposure, product usage and lifestyles.
    • Coverage includes media activity, personal care, travel, apparel, home electronics, leisure, snacks, children's products, etc.
  • Passport GMID
    • An international market research and analysis database that provides detailed reports and statistics on countries, companies, markets, economies and consumers.
    • Examples of available consumer products include hot drinks, luxury goods, consumer electronics (and more). As well as retailing, consumer foodservice and travel.
    • Country statistics contain demographic, economic and marketing statistics. The Cities Module provides economic performance indicators for major Canadian and international cities. Market reports contain international market performance, important developments in the product sector and competition strategy. Consumer lifestyle examines indicators, choices and factors to compare market conditions around the world.
  • Business Source Complete
    • Along with providing access to academic articles, this database includes SWOT analyses, industry profiles and market reports.
    • (Watch 2-min tutorial on how to retrieve Industry Profiles and Market Reports)
  • SimplyAnalytics Canada 
    • This web-based mapping application enables users to quickly create and share professional-quality thematic maps and reports using thousands of demographic, business, marketing, and health data variables.
    • Useful when conducting competitive analysis for companies of a particular industry.
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