SCPA 502
Guides & Services
Useful Library Guides just for Grads:
Library Services / Services de bibliothèque:
- Borrowing rules - Graduate Students - up to 100 items
- Webster Library Graduate Study Spaces
- Article Delivery - Scans of Concordia print book chapters and print journal articles, emailed to you
- Interlibrary Loans - request print books and ejournal articles from other libraries (not applicable to ebooks)
Journal Article Databases / Bases de données d'articles de revues
Academic Search Complete - largest database at Concordia, multidisciplinary
SocINDEX - Sociology database, lots of articles about organizational development
Social Services Abstracts - many articles in the area of community economic development and social work
Canadian Newsstream - English Canadian Daily Newspapers (including the Montreal Gazette) - Articles de journaux québécois en français
Proquest Business Databases - journal articles about management and human resources
CPI.Q - Canadian journals and magazines, with French language content
Repère - Articles de magazines et revues. Nombreux titres québécois
Google Scholar -> Please see: How to set up Google Scholar to find Concordia Resources
Canadian Journal of regional science - Canadian
Canadian Journal of urban research - Canadian
Community Development - Canadian
Community development Journal - American/International
Development and change - American/International
International Journal of urban and regional research - American/International
Journal of community practice - American/International
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly - American/International
The journal of housing and community development - American/International
Voluntas: international journal of voluntary and non-profit organizations - American/International
Sofia Discovery Tool / Outil de recherche Sofia:
Keyword search examples / Exemples de recherches par mots-clés (keywords):
**TIP: Adjust your searches below by using the limits on the left of the results menu. Try Sorting by Date: Newest First, for instance, or limiting to Format: ebooks only.
- "organizational change" AND development
- changement organisationnel AND développement
- conflit AND développement organisationnel AND changement organisationnel
- conflict AND organizational development OR organizational change
- “community economic development” OR “développement économique communautaire”
Try Advanced Search with SUBJECT SEARCH INDEX:
- Communication in organizations
- Community development
- Community development Canada
- Community organization
- Community organization - Case studies
- Conflict Management
- Corporate culture
- Economic development
- Organizational communication
- Organizational Sociology
- Power (Social Sciences)
- Regional economics
- Rural development
- Sustainable development
- Women in development
Understanding the social economy: a Canadian perspective (2018)
Critical Capacity Development (2017)
Community development in an uncertain world: vision, analysis and practice (2016)
Sustainability planning and collaboration in rural Canada: taking the next steps (2016)
Community well-being and community development : conceptions and applications (2015)
Learning circles: what is their potential in Aboriginal community economic development? (2015)
Community economic development in social work (2014)
La pratique de l’action communautaire (2014)
Revitalizing rural economies: a guide for practitioners (2013)
Engaging youth for sustainable coastal community economies (2012)
If women mattered: the case for federally funded women-centred community economic development (2010)
Going Local: working in communities and neighbourhoods (2008)
Doing community economic development (2007)
L'organisation communautaire: fondements, approches et champs de pratique (2007)
The community development handbook: a tool to build community capacity (1999)
The handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication (2018)
Organization as communication : perspectives in dialogue (2017)
Handbook of Organizational Politics: looking back and to the future (2016)
An everyone culture: becoming a deliberately developmental organization (2016)
La politique de communication : ou comment gérer son image par des règles partagées (2016)
The positive organization : breaking free from conventional cultures, constraints, and beliefs (2015)
Repenser le travail : des concepts nouveaux pour des réalités transformées (2015)
The workplace community: a guide to releasing human potential and engaging employees (2014)
Dénouer les conflits relationnels en milieu de travail (2014)
Re-making communication at work (2013)
Communication et grands projets : les nouveaux défis (2013)
L'autogestion dans la socieété de l'information québécoise (2012)
Managing risk in communication encounters: strategies for the workplace (2011)
Les conflits organisationnels : restez maître du jeu! (2008)
Théories des organisations : approches classiques, contemporaines et de l'avant-garde (2007)
Handbook of Conflict Management (2003)
The conflict and communication activity book: 30 high-impact training exercises for adult learners (2003)
The new handbook of organizational communication: advances in theory, research and methods (2001)
DésLibris - Public Policy Documents / Documents de politique publique (Canadian)
CDÉC du Québec
Website of Québec CDECs. This site presents several recent reports on economic and social issues related to the activities of the CDEC network. Contenu en français seulement.
The Canadian CED Network/Le réseau canadien de DÉC
Useful publications and tools about CED. Training activities in the field of CED are also listed.