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Community and public affairs (SCPA) subject guide
Recommended Journal Article Databases
- Political Science Complete (EBSCO) - Canadian, American and international journal articles on political science, government and policy topics
- ProQuest Combined Canadian - Canadian journal articles, newspapers, current events & theses on social science topics
- PAIS International (ProQuest) - International and American journal articles on social sciences topics related to public policy, administration, and legislation
- IPSA: International Political Science Abstracts (EBSCO) - from the International Political Science Association, international journal articles in political science
- SocINDEX - Sociology journal articles
- Google Scholar - multidisciplinary journal articles Please see: How to set up Google Scholar to find Concordia Resources
- CAIRN - revues savantes européennes
- Érudit - revues savantes québécoises et canadiennes
- Repère - multidisciplinary index of articles published in 270 French-language periodicals: 185 Québec periodicals, 10 Canadian periodicals from outside of Québec and 70 periodicals from Europe.
- Persée - revues savantes françaises en sciences sociales et humaines
Peer review/Scholarly Journals: What is peer review and how do I find peer reviewed articles?
Books, government information, public policy publications, & law sources
Sofia Discovery tool: search books, ebooks and government information at Concordia, Quebec Universities, or Worldwide.
Government Information
Government Information Subject Guide - start here to locate government publications, reports, commissions, etc.
- Government Information Databases
- Canada Commons - Canadian ebooks, government documents, NGO documents, and public policy documents
- Opinion polls
- Statistics & Data (DLI)
Law Sources
CanLii: Canadian Legal Information Institute (2001 - present)
- Court judgments (cases) from all Canadian courts; the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories.
- Decisions from many federal and provincial administrative tribunals.
- Consolidated statutes and regulations and the annual statutes of every jurisdiction in Canada.
- Commentary: secondary law materials, from law books, journals, articles, reports, and other resources.
HeinOnline Law Jounral Library - law journals (U.S. Canadian, International), case law and Statutes of Canada, Provincial Statutes of Canada, and more
Newspapers & Current Events
- Canadian Newsstream - Canadian English daily newspapers, including the Globe & Mail, Montreal Gazette, Toronto Star, National Post and many regional and local papers.
- - Canadian/Quebec newspapers and magazines in French and English, includes La Presse, Le Devoir, and L'Actualité.
- CPI.Q: Canadian Periodical Index - English and French language journals and magazines, Canadian focus.
- US Newsstream - Major US daily newspapers, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall street journal, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Boston Globe, LA Times, USA Today and many more regional and local newspapers.
- International Newsstream - news content from outside the U.S. and Canada, in multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Danish, See the Title List.
- Historical Newspapers - Canada, US and international
- The Hill Times - weekly newspaper that covers Canadian federal politics.
Canadian political science websites
- Politics, government and law guides to resources (Library and Archives Canada) - from the Topic drop down menu, choose 'Politics, government and law'
- Canadian Interest Groups & Think Tanks (Queen's University Library)
- Canadian Global Affairs Institute
- Centre for International Policy Studies (uOttawa)
- iPolitics
- Public Policy Forum - an independent, non-governmental organization improving the quality of government in Canada through dialogue among leaders
- Institute for Research on Public Policy - independent, national, bilingual organization researching Canadian policy
- POLTEXT - collection of textual data sources used for policy analysis in Canada (ULaval) English & French
- Political Database of the Americas centralized information about institutions, political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies of the Americas (Georgetown University)
Current Workshops
SCPA Library Orientation - Sept 2024
CED Library Orientation - Sept 2024
Previous Workshops
SCPA 201 - Public Policy and the Public Interest - Sept 2022
SCPA 502 + SLIDES - Comparative Approaches and Models in CED (2020)
Community Economic Development (CED/DEC) - Sources
- Background Sources in CED
- Article Databases & E-Journals in CED
- CDEC du Quebec (Français)
- The Canadian CED Network/Le reseau canadien de DEC
Citation Guides
- Concordia citation guides (APA, MLA, Turabian, Chicago)
- Government Information citation guides (Canadian, American, Legal)