Louis Patrick Leroux to become rector of Saint Paul University in Ottawa

Louis Patrick Leroux has been named the new rector of Saint Paul University in Ottawa. He will begin his new role on March 11.
Leroux had been the Concordia Faculty of Arts and Science’s associate dean of research and a professor with a joint appointment in the departments of English and études francaises.
He joined Concordia as a lecturer in 2004, became an assistant professor in 2006 and a full professor in 2017. Leroux served as the faculty’s associate dean of research from 2019 to 2023.
A bilingual institution focused on the humanities and social sciences, Saint Paul University is the founding college of the University of Ottawa, with which it has been federated since 1965. Leroux will take on the leadership of Saint Paul in March.
Leroux’s broad range of research topics includes contemporary circus and theatre and Quebec literature. His research interests also include social circus as a model for art for social change with regards to vulnerable populations and people with marginalized life experiences in Montreal and South America.
He is the founding director of the Montreal Working Group on Circus and a member of the Performing Arts Research Cluster of Concordia’s Milieux Institute.
Among his awards and recognition for research at Concordia and elsewhere, Leroux was named to the Provost’s Circle of Distinction in 2018 and was elected to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada in 2017, where he served as secretary until November.
“While we are sad to see Patrick leave Concordia, it’s no surprise that he’s moved into this leadership position at Saint Paul,” says Pascale Sicotte, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science.
“A champion of interdisciplinarity, of the humanities, and an accomplished researcher, Patrick will have a great impact as an academic leader. His experience and his expertise will greatly serve his new institution,” she adds.
“We wish Patrick our heartfelt félicitations.”
With Leroux’s departure, Francesca Scala is now associate dean of research and graduate studies and Aaron Johnson is associate dean of research and infrastructure in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Learn more about Concordia’s Faculty of Arts and Science.