Concordia’s Rosemary Reilly awarded the 2024 3M National Teaching Fellowship

Rosemary Reilly, a professor in Concordia’s Department of Applied Human Sciences, has been awarded the 2024 3M National Teaching Fellowship.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) created the fellowship in 1986 to recognize outstanding university and college teachers. Every year, it is awarded to 10 indivdiuals who demonstrate leadership and an unwavering commitment to undergraduate education.
With this award, Reilly who is chair and professor in the Department of Applied Human Sciences, is now a distinguished lifetime member of STLHE.
“Rosemary’s limitless energy, perseverance and commitment to an engaged teaching practice are key qualities that have made her an outstanding teacher and a successful visionary leader,” says Anne Whitelaw, provost and vice-president, academic.

Visionary leadership
Reilly first joined the Department of Applied Human Sciences in 1992 as a part-time faculty member. In 2000, she was granted a Limited Term Appointment (LTA), and in 2003 became a tenured professor and researcher.
Reilly’s philosophy of educational leadership is rooted in her desire to serve the greater good. She serves because she wants “us all to do better, teach more effectively, learn more deeply, and feel satisfied and joyful about higher education.”
Putting her students and fellow professors first, Reilly focuses on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which she belongs.
"Essentially my motto about learning is inspired by Audre Lorde who said, ‘The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot,’” says Reilly.
“I am fortunate to teach in a department, Applied Human Sciences, where this approach to learning is valued and even encouraged."
Reilly’s accomplishments attest to her educational leadership. As a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of the Applied Human Sciences, she was the lead facilitator in the review of the Human Relations BA program from 2010 to 2012.
As graduate program director, Reilly undertook a thorough review of the Human System Interventions program. She integrated the core outcomes of the program for each of the courses into competency scales to allow students to self-evaluate as they progressed through the program.
This complete system review was unique to this program and to Concordia. Its subsequent integration into the approach to teaching has enabled faculty to coordinate their efforts and create a program that is truly unique in North America.
A reflective practitioner who’s deeply committed to continuous growth, Reilly experiments with non-traditional pedagogies and approaches, using performance, collective arts and other artistic tools to reach learning objectives and deepen active student learning.
Students say Reilly has nurtured their growth and self-discovery by teaching each individual in the class, allowing them to learn and teach themselves.
Providing an equitable and inclusive learning environment
For close to a decade, Reilly has worked with her colleagues to look at modalities for incorporating recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Anti-Black Racism Task Force in the department curriculum.
Several students attest to Reilly’s strong commitment to decolonizing teaching and providing an equitable and inclusive learning environment.
Two of Reilly’s former students who were in the Human Systems Intervention program between 2021 and 2023 wrote in their nomination letter, “Rosemary was steadfast in creating an inclusive and supportive space for all students, particularly for those who identify as queer, students of colour, and those with disabilities. Her syllabi were beautifully constructed and incorporated decolonial voices and perspectives.”
Creating and sharing pedagogical knowledge
Reilly has received several teaching awards during her academic career at Concordia. Among them, the President’s Excellence in Teaching award in 2017, the SALTISE Best Practices and Pedagogical Innovators award in 2016, the Provost Fellow award in 2014 for university service in teaching and the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2009 from the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Colleagues from the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) affirm that Reilly is a visionary leader who is committed to innovation and transformation. In a letter of nomination jointly written by the CTL’s John Bentley, senior instructional developer, and Cristina Galofre Gomez, instructional designer, they emphasize that “she has played a central role in creating and sharing pedagogical knowledge with faculty, students and staff through workshops, committee memberships, and as Concordia’s first Teaching Fellow.”
“I am delighted that Rosemary’s talents and leadership have now been recognized at the national level,” says Sandra Gabriele, vice-provost of innovation in teaching and learning. “This award is extremely competitive and will afford Rosemary the opportunity to join a national community of fellow pedagogues.”
“I know everyone at the CTL, who has benefited immensely from Rosemary’s talents, is offering their congratulations along with me.”
Find out more about Rosemary Reilly and the 2024 3M National Teaching Fellows award.