Topic: research

6 ways to keep your wallet merry

$6 million for genomics research at Concordia

Thinking Out Loud: 11 podcasts for every festive occasion!

D3 startups are one step closer to the $3 million AI XPRIZE

Calling all future SSHRC Storytellers: why does your research matter?

$10 million for next-gen cities

Indigenous student librarians: 'A step in the right direction’

3 new Canada Research Chairs for Concordia

Guylaine Beaudry: ‘Innovation is in our DNA’

Tackle global water issues with Concordia and the UN

What do we really know about time management?

PERFORM Researchers Featured on CJLO

‘Our standing in the world has once again been acknowledged’

A $9.3 million investment for social sciences and humanities research

STEM SIGHTS: The Concordian who spent a summer with wallabies

‘We are both researchers and communicators’

How to pilot a spaceship — en français

Examining technology's influence at all ages

'How do identity and gender shape language?'

Two decades of grad research in chemistry and biochemistry

Check out 35 eclectic JMSB research projects

Times Higher Education: ENCS is in the global top 300

Montreal food trucks: ‘Breach, bridge or Trojan Horse?’

NEW RESEARCH: The grassroots solution to workplace conflict

World University Rankings 2017: ‘We can all take pride’

‘We need to account for the voices and experiences of older adults’