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Gender Equity Mentoring in AI program for women and gender non-conforming students and professionals 


Applications now open for 2024-2025 cohort!


To empower and support women and gender non-conforming undergraduate and graduate students interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI)  to grow their professional skills, expand their networks, and prepare for their future careers.

Supporting career journeys through mentorship

The Gender Equity Mentoring in AI (GEMinAI) Program was established as a response to gender inequality within artificial intelligence fields, where women make up only 25% of AI specialists. GEMinAI works to narrow this gap by connecting women and gender non-conforming undergraduate and graduate students with like-minded AI professionals for support, encouragement, and assistance along their career journey.

By facilitating mentorship opportunities, we aim to create an environment where aspiring AI professionals can thrive, ultimately contributing to a more diverse and inclusive AI landscape.

Photos from the GEMinAI launch event in October 2023

Program Structure

GEMinAI launches in September 2024 and closes in May 2025.

Join us this year on September 4th, 2024 with a dynamic networking event celebrating gender diverse AI professionals and students. Students will have an opportunity to meet one another as well as mentors participating in the program, and all those who support it. Through a series of activities and small group discussions, we will explore key themes related to gender and AI.

The event will introduce mentors and mentees for the first time, fostering connections and setting the stage for a successful mentoring relationship. For more information, and to register, sign up here.

Program Session Guide

Mentees and mentors commit to at least 4 one-hour sessions across two terms (2 in fall and 2 in winter), with a recommended 6 sessions. Meetings can be in person at the mentor's workplace, a nearby location, or virtually, based on mutual agreement.

This guide is designed to facilitate productive interactions with your mentor/mentee and provide links to additional resources for professional development. If you are able, consider meeting in-person for at least one of your sessions. In-person discussions encourage less formal conversations and are a good opportunity to get to know each other better in a social setting outside of a school or office environment.

Your first meeting is a chance to get to know one another. Introduce yourselves and establish a shared set of expectations for your mentoring relationship.


  • Share an updated copy of your CV and LinkedIn profile
  • Check out Concordia Student Success Centre resources for CV and cover letter templates
  • Determine a schedule for your mentoring sessions (monthly, online, in-person, etc)


  • Education, any previous work experience including internships, future career aspirations if known
  • Academic and professional credentials, work history/career trajectory, experience working in AI fields
  • Your expectations – what do both parties want to gain from the mentoring relationship?

During session 2, consider sharing your career journey. How did you arrive at your current role? Did you take any detours along the way?



  • What are the qualifications for this position?
  • Working conditions, remuneration, benefits—what is important to you in a future role?
  • How does someone typically start out in this industry? What can I expect as an entry level salary? Are there any additional supports available for equity seeking groups?

Building community is an important part of professional success. Consider attending an event together.


  • Check the Applied AI Institute, CREATE SE4AI, and IVADO for upcoming events in Montréal
  • Attend a professional event together (conference, workshop, talk, etc.) or a short visit to the mentor’s workplace.


  • Introduction to professional contacts.
  • Where and how should I connect with people in my industry?
  • What online communities (Discord, Slack, LinkedIn) are relevant to AI professionals?

Session 4 provides an opportunity to review AI lesiglation and guidelines that affect your work.



  • How is the rapid development of AI affecting us as humans? What is the impact of AI technologies on the future of work, food security, etc?
  • What does Responsible AI mean to you? How do biases in AI impact research, and how can we work to eliminate them?

Each industry has particular trends and criteria for success. What is important right now in your industry?


  • Find relevant news articles, blogs, online forums discussing current AI technologies and trends.
  • Review AI-related conference topics and themes to identify current trends


  • How is AI adoption evolving in your industry?
  • What AI tools are you using in your workplace?
  • What are the forecasted demands for talent in your industry?

The closing session is a space for you to reflect on what you have learned throughout this process.


  • Summarize what you’ve learned from each other.
  • Prepare any comments/feedback on the GEMinAI program for the organizers to help improve the program for future cohorts.
  • Decide whether you will continue the relationship with your mentee/mentor.
  • Say THANKS to your mentor/mentee for their time, energy, and commitment to this initiative!


  • What have I learned from all the interactions with my mentor? What advice/feedback was the most impactful to me at this stage of my career journey? What questions do I still want to find answers to?
  • What is one important piece of advice that I wish I knew before embarking on my own career path that I can share with my mentee?



Participants will be asked to submit 2 brief reports in December and April. The 1st report will provide an opportunity for mentors and mentees to reflect on progress, discuss challenges, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a productive mentoring experience. The 2nd report will allow mentors and mentees to evaluate the outcomes of their mentoring journey, celebrate achievements, and provide valuable feedback for program improvement.

Closing event

A wrap-up Storytelling Event will be held in May for all GEMinAI Program participants. This event will provide an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and continue to build connections with colleagues in the AI community.


About Us

The Gender Equity Mentoring Program in Artificial Intelligence was borne of a collaboration between Lori Akiyama, Program Coordinator at CREATE SE4AI, and Dr. Lindsay Rodgers, Knowledge Mobilization Advisor at Concordia Applied AI Institute. Through ongoing efforts to collaborate and a shared commitment to AI for social good, Lori and Lindsay became increasingly aware of the gender disparity within AI fields. Lori’s previous experience with mentoring programs and Lindsay’s background in feminist research and organizing allowed them to design GEMinAI. The first cohort launched in October 2023 with thirteen matches.

GEMinAI is proudly supported by:

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