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CENPARMI's impressive publication record attracts prominent researchers in the field, facilitates advanced research and development in a variety of multi-disciplinary projects. 

In 1972, faculty members of the Department of Computer Science at Concordia University had already started to conduct research in the field of PARMI. Under the directorship of Dr. C.Y. Suen, a world authority in optical character recognition, CENPARMI has attracted prominent researchers from other institutions. Currently, members of this centre are conducting advanced research and development on a variety of multi-disciplinary projects in the following areas:

  • Handwriting recognition and signature verification
  • Image analysis and document processing
  • Combination of different types of features and classification techniques
  • Application of multiple expert systems and neural networks
  • Natural language processing
  • Parallel algorithms and VLSI architectures

Technological exchanges with industry constitute one of the principal components of CENPARMI. The wide scope of our research, coupled with the talents and expertise of our members and staff, provide a stimulating environment for us to accept new challenges in theoretical and experimental computer science and engineering.

Researchers have the opportunity of conducting their work in a team to reach the common goals of the above proposed projects. They meet regularly in order to plan and discuss the progress and integration of research projects, supervise our graduate students either independently or jointly with other members, interact with our visiting scientists from other universities and industries, network with other researchers in the field, and conduct seminars within the team or in the institutes of our industrial collaborators like IBM at Yorktown Heights, IBM at San Jose, Philips, Bell Quebec and Matrox in the Montreal region, the Electrotechnical Laboratory and NTT (Nippon Telephone and Telegraph) of Japan, and in other institutions

We conduct research in the following areas

  • Document Analysis
    • Document Identification
    • Information Extraction
  • Bank Cheque and Remittance Slip Processing
  • Legal Amount Recognition
    • Courtesy Amount Recognition
    • Date Recognition
  • Digit Recognition
    • Neural Network Recognizer
    • Exploring Features
  • Word Recognition
    • Preprocessing
    • French/English
    • Arabic
    • Chinese
  • Classifier Combination
  • Script Identification
  • Language Identification
    • Latin languages
    • Chinese/Japanese/Korean
  • Symbol Recognition
    • Road signs
    • Engineering Drawings
    • Maps
farsi character recogntion
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