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  • Ponce, P., Peffer, T., Mendez Garduno, J. I., Eicker, U., Molina, A., McDaniel, T., Mimo, E. D. M., Menon, R. P., Kaspar, K., & Hussain, S. (2023). Data and AI Driving Smart Cities. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-32827-5. 

  • St. Hilaire, L., Brookson, A., Jacovella-St-Louis, J., Dion, P., Coors, V., Santhanavanich, T., Padsala, R., Dabirian, S., Saad, M.M., Eicker, U., Rossknecht, M., Hodgson, T., Bovio, S., Portele, C., Morton, W., & Mottaghi, A. (2023). OGC Testbed-18: Building Energy Data Interoperability Engineering Report.

  • Eicker, U., Haase, M., Guarino, F., Kayo, G., eds. (2022). Positive Energy Districts: Transforming Urban Areas Into High Efficiency Districts With Local Renewable Generation and Storage. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.

  • Belda, A., Giancola, E., Williams, K., Dabirian, S., Jradi, M., Volpe, R., Samareh Abolhassani, S., Fichera, A., & Eicker, U. (2022). Reviewing Challenges and Limitations of Energy Modelling Software in the Assessment of PEDs Using Case Studies. In J.R. Littlewood, R.J., Howlett, & L.C. Jain (Eds.), Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021 (pp. 465-477). Springer.

  • Eicker, U. (Ed.). (2019). Urban Energy Systems for Low-Carbon Cities. Academia Press.

  • Eicker, U. (2019) Die Internationale Bauausstellung als Treiber der Energiewende. In „Auf dem Weg zur IBA 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart (pp 108-113). Avedition. 

  • Teráb de Lober, L. N., Eicker, U., & Cuviella, C. I. (2019). Energy Consumption Reduction in Large Buildings. In A. Colmenar-Santos, E. Rosales-Asensio, & D. Borge-Diez (Ed.), Alternative Energy Systems in Buildings (pp. 43–76). Nova Science Publishers.

  • Teran, L., Eicker, U., Cotrado, M., & de Palacio-Rodríguez, C. (2019). Chapter 1: Solar Thermal and PV Cooling Systems. In A. Colmenar-Santos, D. Borge-Diez, & E. Rosales-Asensio (Ed.), Novel Systems and Applications in Clean Energy: Energy Science, Engineering and Technology (pp. 1 – 42). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 

  • Botero, L., Bossert, M., Eicker, U., Cremers, J., Palla, N. & Schoch, C. (2017). A Real-World Lab Approach to the Carbon Neutral Campus Transition: A Case Study. In W. Leal Filho, L. Brandli, P. Castro & J. Newman (Hrsg.), Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Volume 2 (World sustainability series, S. 73–88). Cham: Springer International Publishing; Imprint: Springer.

  • Eicker, U. (2017). Wohnen nach der Energiewende. In C. Simon-Philipp (Hrsg.), WohnOrte 2. 90 Wohnquartiere in Stuttgart von 1890 bis 2017 - Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (S. 414–418). Stuttgart: Karl Krämer Verlag.

  • Eicker, U. (2016). New Planning Tools for the Simulation and Optimization of Neighborhood Energy Systems: State-of-the-Art and Applications. Chapter 5. In M. E. Goodsite & S. Juhola (Hrsg.), Green defense technology. Triple net zero energy, water and waste models and applications (NATO science for peace and security series. Series C, Environmental security, S. 31–41). Dordrecht: Springer.

  • Pietruschka, D., Kurth, D. & Eicker, U. (2016). Energetischer Stadtumbau. Energieleitplanung und Wärmenetze für neue Nachbarschaften in Ludwigsburg Grünbühl-Sonnenberg: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag. ISBN: 978-3816795469.

  • Eicker, U. (2014). Energy Efficient Buildings with Solar and Geothermal Resources. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 9781118707050.

  • Eicker, U. (2013). Profilierung durch exzellente, anwendungsorientierte Forschung. In Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (Hrsg.), Gleichartig - aber anderswertig? Zur künftigen Rolle der (Fach-) Hochschulen im deutschen Hochschulsystem (Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung <Stuttgart>: Schriftenreihe der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung, Nr. 72, S. 76–87). Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.

  • Eicker, U. (2013). Solar Energy Use in Buildings. In N. Enteria & A. Akbarzadeh (Eds.), Solar Energy Sciences and Engineering Applications (35 ff). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

  • Eicker, U., Huppenberger, H., Kurth, D. & Monien, D. (2013). Energetische Kriterien für die Planung. Energiekonzepte als Grundlage für den Städtebau. In: Energiegerechte Stadtentwicklung in München. Chancen für den Bestand durch energetisch innovative Neubaugebiete in Freiham und Neuaubing (S. 51–55). 

  • Eicker, U. & Kurth, D. (2013). Energiewende in der Planung. Handlungsempfehlungen für die Umsetzung. In: Energiegerechte Stadtentwicklung in München. Chancen für den Bestand durch energetisch innovative Neubaugebiete in Freiham und Neuaubing (S. 101–107).

  • Eicker, U. (2012). Polycity. Energy networks in sustainable cities. Stuttgart: Kraemer. ISBN: 9783782840514.

  • Eicker, U. (2012). Solare Technologien für Gebäude. Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele; mit 47 Tabellen (2., vollst. überarb. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Vieweg + Teubner. ISBN: 978-3-8348-1281-0.

  • Eicker, U. (2012). Solarthermische Anlagen für Trinkwassererwärmung und Heizungsunterstützung. In H. Recknagel, E. Sprenger & E.-R. Schramek (Hrsg.), Taschenbuch für Heizung + Klimatechnik 13/14. Basisversion Print (76. Aufl., S. 520–540). München: Oldenbourg Industrieverlag.

  • Eicker, U. (2012). Solarthermische Anlagen für Trinkwassererwärmung und Heizungsunterstützung. In H. Recknagel, E. Sprenger & E.-R. Schramek (Hrsg.), Taschenbuch für Heizung und Klimatechnik / Ergänzungsband (S. 738–759). München: Oldenbourg Industrieverl.

  • Eicker, U., Löffler, A., Dalibard, A., Thumm, F., Bossert, M. & Kristic, D. (2012). Stegplatten aus Polycarbonat. Potentiale und neue Anwendungen (Forschungsinitiative ZukunftBau, F 2819). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer-IRB-Verl. ISBN: 978-3-8167-8828-7.

  • Eicker, U. & Schulze, T. (2012). Kontrollierte natürliche Lüftung für energieeffiziente Gebäude. In J. Pöschk (Hrsg.), Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden - Jahrbuch 2012 (S. 235–250). Berlin: VME Verlag und Medienservice Energie.

  • Eicker, U. (2011). Solarthermische Anlagen. In H. Recknagel & E. Sprenger (Hrsg.), Taschenbuch für Heizung und Klimatechnik. Einschließlich Warmwasser- und Kältetechnik ; mit 4 Einschlagtafeln (75. Aufl., Jubiläumsausg). München: Oldenbourg Industrieverl. 

  • Eicker, U. (2009). Solare Kühlung. In J. Pöschk (Hrsg.), Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden - Jahrbuch 2009 (S. 307–318). Berlin: VME, Verl. und Medienservice Energie.

  • Eicker, U. (2009). Low energy cooling for sustainable buildings. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. ISBN: 9780470697443.

  • Eicker, U. (2005). Solar technologies for buildings. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN: 9780471486374

  • Eicker, U. (2001). Solare Technologien für Gebäude: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag. ISBN: 9783519050575. 

  • Oriol Gavaldà-Torrellas, Pilar Monsalvete, Saeed Ranjbar, Ursula Eicker, The Urban Building Energy Retrofitting Tool: An Open-Source Framework to Help Foster Building Retrofitting Using a Life Cycle Costing Perspective—First Results for Montréal, Smart Cities 2025, 8(1), 17,
  • Shayan Nejadshamsi, Jamal Bentahar, Ursula Eicker, Chun Wang, Faezeh Jamshidi, A geographic-semantic context-aware urban commuting flow prediction model using graph neural network, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 261, 2025, 125534, ISSN 0957-4174,

  • Vajihe Davoodi, Ehsan Amiri Rad, Mahla Akhoundi, Ursula Eicker, Design, optimization, and performance analysis of a solar-wind powered compression chiller with built-in energy storage system for sustainable cooling in remote areas, Energy, Volume 312, 2024, 133664, ISSN 0360-5442,

  • Kathryn Kaspar, Kingsley Nweye, Giacomo Buscemi, Alfonso Capozzoli, Zoltan Nagy, Giuseppe Pinto, Ursula Eicker, Mohamed M. Ouf, Effects of occupant thermostat preferences and override behavior on residential demand response in CityLearn, Energy and Buildings, Volume 324, 2024, 114830, ISSN 0378-7788,
  • Saeed Rayegan, Ali Katal, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Radu Zmeureanu, Ursula Eicker, Mohammad Mortezazadeh, Sepehrdad Tahmasebi, Modeling building energy self-sufficiency of using rooftop photovoltaics on an urban scale, Energy and Buildings, Volume 324, 2024, 114863, ISSN 0378-7788,
  • Luca Cimmino, Jimmy Barco Burgos, Ursula Eicker, Exergy and thermoeconomic analysis of a novel polygeneration system based on gasification and power-to-x strategy, Renewable Energy, Volume 236, 2024, 121438, ISSN 0960-1481,
  • Hadis Montazerinejad, Ursula Eicker, Pouria Ahmadi, Renewable fuel-powered micro-gas turbine and hydrogen fuel cell systems: Exploring scenarios of technology, control, and operation, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 319, 2024, 118944, ISSN 0196-8904,
  • Roudbari, N.S., Punekar, S.R., Patterson, Z. et al. From data to action in flood forecasting leveraging graph neural networks and digital twin visualization. Sci Rep 14, 18571 (2024).

  • Aya Doma, Rushikesh Padsala, Mohamed M. Ouf, Ursula Eicker, Bottom-up framework for modelling occupancy-based demand-side management strategies in a mixed-use district, Applied Energy, Volume 375, 2024, 124081, ISSN 0306-2619,

  • Sanam Dabirian, Clayton Miller, Alireza Adli, Ursula Eicker, Gaussian-based plug load profile prediction in non-residential buildings archetype, Applied Energy, Volume 374, 2024, 123970, ISSN 0306-2619,  

  • Morteza Hazbei, Nariman Rafati, Nawwaf Kharma, Ursula Eicker, Optimizing architectural multi-dimensional forms; a hybrid approach integrating approximate evolutionary search, clustering and local optimization, Energy and Buildings, Volume 318, 2024, 114460, ISSN 0378-7788,
  • Alamatsaz, Kayhan, Frédéric Quesnel, and Ursula Eicker. 2024. "Enhancing Electric Shuttle Bus Efficiency: A Case Study on Timetabling and Scheduling Optimization" Energies 17, no. 13: 3149.  

  • Padsala, R., Santhanavanich, T., Eicker, U., and Coors, V.: Conceptualising an Urban Digital Twin Framework for Simulating the Impact of Household Consumption Choices on the Carbon Footprint of Urban Neighborhoods, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W10-2024, 147–154,, 2024. 
  • Mohammad Reza Seyedabadi, Soroush Samareh Abolhassani, Ursula Eicker, Developing a systematic framework for integrating life cycle carbon emission assessment in urban building energy modeling, Building and Environment, Volume 260, 2024, 111662, ISSN 0360-1323,
  • Erfan Shafiee Roudbari, Ivan Kantor, Ramanunni Parakkal Menon, Ursula Eicker, Optimization-based decision support for designing industrial symbiosis district energy systems under uncertainty, Applied Energy, Volume 367, 2024, 123418, ISSN 0306-2619, 
  • Brennenstuhl, M., Otto, R., Elangovan, P.K. et al. The Potential of Vehicle-to-Home Integration for Residential Prosumers: A Case Study. Smart Grids and Energy 9, 25 (2024).  
  • Seyedabadi, M. R., Karrabi, M., Shariati, M., Karimi, S., Maghrebi, M., & Eicker, U. (2024). Global building life cycle assessment: Comparative study of steel and concrete frames across European Union, USA, Canada, and Australia building codes. Energy and Buildings, 304, 113875.  
  • Garcia-G, D., Barco-Burgos, J., Chaparro, J., Eicker, U., Cárdenas D.R, J., Saldaña-Robles, A. (2024). Analyzing joint efficiency in storage tanks: A comparative study of API 650 standard and API 579 using finite element analysis for enhanced reliability, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 207, February 2024, 105113,  
  • Osman, M., Saad, M. M., Ouf, M., Eicker, U. (2024). From buildings to cities: How household demographics shape demand response and energy consumption. Applied Energy, 356(122359).  
  • Seyedabadi, M. R., & Eicker, U. (2023). A critical review of urban scale life cycle assessment of the built environment. Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, 100026.  
  • Abolhassani, Soroush Samareh, Mahmood Mastani Joybari, Mirata Hosseini, Mojtaba Parsaee, and Ursula Eicker. "A systematic methodological framework to study climate change impacts on heating and cooling demands of buildings." Journal of Building Engineering 63 (2023): 105428.
  • Seyedabadi, Mohammad Reza, Soroush Samareh Abolhassani, and Ursula Eicker. "District cradle to grave LCA including the development of a localized embodied carbon database and a detailed end-of-life carbon emission workflow." Journal of Building Engineering 76 (2023): 107101.
  • Abdelnour, N., Braun, R., Torio, H., Eicker, U. (2023). A simulation-based study to evaluate the cooling potential of nocturnal radiative cooling systems for residential buildings in Egypt. Solar Energy Advances, Volume 3, 2023.
  • Abdelnour, N., Braun, R., Torio, H., Eicker, U. (2023). Testing of uncovered solar thermal collectors under dynamic conditions and identification of performance parameters - for nocturnal radiative cooling applications. Solar Energy Advances, Volume 3, 2023.  
  • Santhanavanich, T., Padsala, R., Rossknecht, M., Dabirian, S., Saad, M., Eicker, U., & Coors, V. (2023). Enabling Interoperability of Urban Building Energy Data Based on OGC API Standards and CityGML City Models. The ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
  • Saad, M. M., Menon, R. P., & Eicker, U. (2023). Supporting Decision Making for Building Decarbonization: Developing Surrogate Models for Multi-Criteria Building Retrofitting Analysis. Energies 2023, Vol. 16, Page 6030, 16(16), 6030.
  • Saad, M. M., & Eicker, U. (2023). Investigating the reliability of building energy models: Comparative analysis of the impact of data pipelines and model complexities. Journal of Building Engineering, 71, 106511.
  • Hussain, S., Azim, M. I., Lai, C., & Eicker, U. (2023). New coordination framework for smart home peer-to-peer trading to reduce impact on distribution transformer. Energy, 129297. 
  • S. Nejadshamsi, U. Eicker, C. Wang, J. Bentahar (2023) Data sources and approaches for building occupancy profiles at the urban scale – a review; Build Environ, 238 (Jun. 2023), Article 110375, 10.1016/J.BUILDENV.2023.110375
  • S. Hussain, O. Alrumayh, R. P. Menon, C. Lai and U. Eicker (2023), "Novel Incentive-based Multi-level Framework for Flexibility Provision in Smart Grids," in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, doi: 10.1109/TSG.2023.3302520. 
  • Hussain, Sadam, Chunyan Lai, and Ursula Eicker. "Flexibility: Literature review on concepts, modeling, and provision method in smart grid." Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (2023): 101113. 
  • Shirzadi, N., Nasiri, F., Menon, R. P., Monsalvete, P., Kaifel, A., & Eicker, U. (2023). Smart Urban Wind Power Forecasting: Integrating Weibull Distribution, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Numerical Weather Prediction. Energies, 16(17), 6208. 
  • Dabirian, S., Saad, M. M., Hussain, S., Peyman, S., Rahimi, N., Yefi, P., & Eicker, U. (2023). Structuring Heterogeneous Urban Data: A Framework to Develop the Data Model for Energy Simulation of Cities. Energy and Buildings, 113376.
  • Shafiee Roudbari, E., Menon, R. P., Kantor, I., & Eicker, U. (2023). Toward Positive Energy Districts by Urban–Industrial Energy Exchange. Designs, 7(3), 73.
  • Malmir, T., Lagos, D., & Eicker, U. (2023). Optimization of landfill gas generation based on a modified first-order decay model: a case study in the province of Quebec, Canada. Environmental Systems Research, 12(1), 1-14.
  • Eicker, U. (2023) Designing a multi-objective closed-loop supply chain: a two-stage stochastic programming, method applied to the garment industry in Montréal, Canada. Environment, Development and Sustainability,
  • Rafati, N., Hazbei, M., Eicker, U. (2023) Louver configuration comparison in three Canadian cities utilizing NSGA-II. Building and Environment, Volume 229, 109939, ISSN 0360-1323, (
  • Abolhassani, Soroush Samareh, Azar Zandifar, Negar Ghourchian, Manar Amayri, Nizar Bouguila, and Ursula Eicker. "Improving residential building energy simulations through occupancy data derived from commercial off-the-shelf Wi-Fi sensing technology." Energy and Buildings 272 (2022): 112354  
  • Alamatsaz, K., Hussain, S., Lai, C., & Eicker, U. (2022). Electric bus scheduling and timetabling, fast charging infrastructure planning, and their impact on the grid: A review. Energies, 15(21), 7919.  
  • Rahimi, N., Eicker, U. (2022). Renewable electricity and hydrogen production via decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Energies 15(23), 8787
  • Shirzadi, N., Rasoulian, H., Nasiri, F., Eicker, U. (2022). Resilience Enhancement of an Urban Microgrid during Off-Grid Mode Operation Using Critical Load Indicators. Energies 2022, 15(20), 7669.
  • Güğül, G.N., Gökçül, F., & Eicker, U. (2022). Sustainability analysis of zero energy consumption data centers with free cooling, waste heat reuse and renewable energy systems: A feasibility study, Energy, (125495).
  • Masoumi-Verki, Shahin, Haghighat, Fariborz, Eicker, Ursula (2022), Improving the performance of a CAE-based reduced-order model for predicting turbulent airflow around an isolated high-rise building, Sustainable Cities and Society, 87, 104252, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2022.104252 
  • Eicker U (2022) Editorial: Positive Energy Districts: Transforming Urban Areas Into High Efficiency Districts With Local Renewable Generation and Storage. Frontiers of Sustainable Cities 4:838899. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.838899
  • Köhler, S., Rongstock, R., Hein, M., & Eicker, U. (2022). Similarity measures and comparison methods for residential electricity load profiles. Energy and Buildings, 271(112327).
  • Braun, R., Hertweck, D., & Eicker, U. (2022). An approach to cluster the research field of the food-energy-water nexus to determine modeling capabilities at different levels using text mining and cluster analysis. Energy Nexus, (100101). doi:10.1016/
  • Saberi-Derakhtenjani, A., Athienitis, A.K., Eicker, U., & Rodriguez-Ubinas, E. (2022). Energy Flexibility Comparison of Different Control Strategies for Zones with Radiant Floor Systems. Buildings, 12(6), 837.
  • Kandelan, S.N., Yeganeh, M., Peyman, S., Panchabikesan, K., & Eicker, U. (2022). Environmental study on greenery planning scenarios to improve the air quality in urban canyons. Sustainable Cities and Society, 83(103993).
  • Voland, N., Saad, M. M., & Eicker, U. (2022). Public Policy and Incentives for Socially Responsible New Business Models in Market-Driven Real Estate to Build Green Projects. Sustainability, 14(12), 7071.
  • Montazerinejad, H., & Eicker, U. (2022) Recent development of heat and power generation using renewable fuels: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165(112578).
  • Masoumi-Verki, S., Haghighat, F., & Eicker, U. (2022). A review of advances towards efficient reduced-order models (ROM) for predicting urban airflow and pollutant dispersion. Building and Environment, 216(108966).
  • Weiler, V., Lust, D., Brennenstuhl, M., Brassel, K-H., Duminil, E., & Eicker, U. (2022). Automatic dimensioning of energy system components for building cluster simulation. Applied Energy, 313(118651).
  • Soliman, A., Hafeez, G., Erkmen, E., Ganesan, R., Ouf, M., Hammad, A., Eicker, U., & Moselhi, O. (2022). Innovative construction material technologies for sustainable and resilient civil infrastructure. Materials Today, Vol 60, Part 1, pp 365-372
  • Kohler, S., Betz, M., Duminil, E., Eicker, U., & Schroter B. (2021). A holistic approach to model electricity loads in cities. Sustainability Management Forum.
  • HosseiniHaghighi, S., Monsalvete Álvarez de Uribarri, P., Padsala, R., & Eicker U. (2022). Characterizing and structuring urban GIS data for housing stock energy modelling and retrofitting. Energy and Buildings, 256(111706).
  • Dabirian, S., Panchabikesan, K., & Eicker, U. (2022). Occupant-centric urban building energy modeling: Approaches, inputs, and data sources - A review. Energy and Buildings, 257(111809).
  • Hosseinihaghighi, S., Panchabikesan, K., Dabirian, S., Webster, J., Ouf, M., & Eicker, U. (2021). Discovering, Processing and Consolidating Housing Stock and Smart Thermostat Data in Support of Energy End-use Mapping and Housing Retrofit Program Planning. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78(103640).
  • Samareh Abolhassani, S., Amayri, M., Bouguila, N., & Eicker. U. (2021). A new workflow for detailed urban scale building energy modeling using spatial joining of attributes for archetype selection. Journal of Building Engineering, 46(103661).
  • Kaspar, K., Ouf, M., & Eicker, U. (2021). A critical review of control schemes for demand-side energy management of building clusters. Energy and Buildings, 257(111731).
  • Weiler, V., Eicker, U. (2021) Automatic energy demand and system simulation at district level. Sustainability Management Forum, Vol. 29, Issue 2, 
  • Masoumi-Verki, S., Gholamalipour, P., Haghighat, F., Eicker, U. (2021) Embedded LES of thermal stratification effects on the airflow and concentration fields around an isolated high-rise building: Spectral and POD analyses, Building and Environment 206, 108388, doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108388.
  • Bambara, J.; Athienitis, A.K.; Eicker, U. (2021) Decarbonizing Local Mobility and Greenhouse Agriculture through Residential Building Energy Upgrades: A Case Study for Québec. Energies, 14, 6820.
  • Barco-Burgos, J., Carles-Bruno, J., Eicker, U., Saldana-Robles, A.L., & Alcántar-Camarena, V. (2021). Hydrogen-rich syngas production from palm kernel shells (PKS) biomass on a downdraft allothermal gasifier using steam as a gasifying agent. Energy Conversion and Management, 245 (114592). 
  • J. Barco-Burgos, J.C. Bruno, U. Eicker, A.L. Saldaña-Robles, V. Alcántar-Camarena (2021) Review on the integration of high-temperature heat pumps in district heating and cooling networks, Energy, 2021,122378, ISSN 0360-5442,
  •  Braun, R., Padsala, R., Malmir, T., Mohammadi, S., Eicker, U. (2021). Using 3D CityGML for the Modeling of the Food Waste and Wastewater Generation-A Case Study for the City of Montréal. Frontiers in big data. Volume 4.   
  • El-Bayeh, C. Z., Zellagui, M., Shirzadi, N., Eicker, U. (2021) A Novel Optimization Algorithm for Solar Panels Selection towards a Self-Powered EV Parking Lot and Its Impact on the Distribution System. Energies, Volume 14, Issue 15, 4515, 26 July, 2021. MDPI.
  • El-Bayeh, C. Z., Hussain, S., Eicker, U., Alquasi, W., Zellagui, M. (2021) Is It Necessary to Fully Charge Your Electric Vehicle?, IEEE Access, June 02, 2021. IEEE. 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3085244 
  • El-Bayeh, C.Z., Zellagui, M., Brahmi, B., Alqaisi, W., & Eicker, U. (2021). Impact of Charging Electric Vehicles Under Different State of Charge levels and Extreme Conditions. Energies, 14(20), 6589.
  • Esfahani, Z., Salahshoor, K., Farsi, B., & Eicker, U. (2021b). A New Hybrid Model for RUL Prediction through Machine Learning. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. Published.
  • Farsi, B., Amayri, M., Bouguila, N., & Eicker, U. (2021). On Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques and a Novel Parallel Deep LSTM-CNN Approach. IEEE Access, 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3060290.
  • Seyedabadi, M. R., Eicker, U., Karimi, S. (2021). Plant selection for green roofs and their impact on carbon sequestration and the building carbon footprint. Environmental Challenges, Volume 4, August 2021, 100119, 
  • Mohammadi, S., Monsalvete Álvarez de Uribarri, P., Eicker, U. (2021) Decentral energy generation potential of anaerobic digestion of black water and kitchen refuse for eco-district planning. Energies, 2021. Vol 14(10), 2948;
  • Samadzadegan, B., Samareh Abolhassani, S., Dabirian, S., Ranjbar, S., Rasoulian, H., Sanei, A., & Eicker, U. (2021). Novel Energy System Design Workflow for Zero-Carbon Energy District Development. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3.  
  • Abolhassani, Soroush Samareh, Manar Amayri, Nizar Bouguila, and Ursula Eicker. "A new workflow for detailed urban scale building energy modeling using spatial joining of attributes for archetype selection." Journal of Building Engineering (2021): 103661.
  • Samadzadegan, Bahador, Soroush Samareh Abolhassani, Sanam Dabirian, Saeed Ranjbar, Hadise Rasoulian, Azin Sanei, and Ursula Eicker. "Novel energy system design workflow for zero-carbon energy district development." Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3 (2021): 23. 
  • Rezaei, Abolfazl, Bahador Samadzadegan, Hadise Rasoulian, Saeed Ranjbar, Soroush Samareh Abolhassani, Azin Sanei, and Ursula Eicker. "A New Modeling Approach for Low-Carbon District Energy System Planning." Energies 14, no. 5 (2021): 1383.
  • Shirzadi, N., Nasiri, F., El-Bayeh, C., & Eicker, U. (2021) Optimal dispatching of renewable energy-based urban microgrids using a deep learning approach for electrical load and wind power forecasting. International Journal of Energy Research, 1- 16. DOI: 10.1002/er.7374
  • Hussain, S., El-Bayeh, C., Lai, C., Eicker, U., (2021) Multi-Level Energy Management Systems Toward a Smarter Grid: A Review, IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp71994-72016, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3078082
  • El-Bayeh, C. Z., Alzaareer, K., Brahmi, B., Zellagui, M., & Eicker, U. (2021). An original multi-criteria decision-making algorithm for solar panels selection in buildings. Energy, 217, 119396.
  • Hedman, S., Rehman, H. U., Gabaldón, A., Bisello, A., Albert-Seifried, V., Zhang, X., Guarino, F., Grynning, S., Eicker, U., Neumann, H. M., Tuominen, P., & Reda, F. (2021). IEA EBC Annex83 Positive Energy Districts. Buildings, 11(3), 130.
  • Bambara, J., Athienitis, A. K., & Eicker, U. (2021). Residential Densification for Positive Energy Districts. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3.
  • HosseiniHaghighi, S., Izadi, F., Padsala, R., & Eicker, U. (2020) Using Climate-Sensitive 3D City Modeling to Analyze Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban Areas. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.
  • Malmir, T., Ranjbar, S., & Eicker, U. (2020). Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies of Montréal (Canada) Using Life Cycle Assessment and Optimization of Technology Options. Energies, 13(21), 5701.
  • T. Malmir, U. Eicker (2020) Energy Recovery Potential from Food Waste and Yard Waste in New York and Montréal (2020) World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering Vol 14, No 6, 2020
  • El-Bayeh, C. Z., Eicker, U., Alzaareer, K., Brahmi, B., & Zellagui, M. (2020). A Novel Data-Energy Management Algorithm for Smart Transformers to Optimize the Total Load Demand in Smart Homes. Energies, 13(18), 4984.
  • Calise, F., Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., & Vicidomini, M. (2020). Wastewater Treatment Plant: Modelling and Validation of an Activated Sludge Process. Energies, 13(15), 3925.
  • Shirzadi, N.; Nasiri, F.; Eicker, U. (2020) Optimal Configuration and Sizing of an Integrated Renewable Energy System for Isolated and Grid-Connected Microgrids: The Case of an Urban University Campus. Energies, Vol 13, 3527. 
  • Dochev, I., Gorzalka, P., Weiler, V., Estevam Schmiedt, J., Linkiewicz, M., Eicker, U., Hoffschmidt, B., Peters, I., & Schröter, B. (2020). Calculating urban heat demands: An analysis of two modelling approaches and remote sensing for input data and validation. Energy and Buildings, 226, 110378.
  • Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K., Weiler, V., Eicker, U., Lohse, R. (2020). Net zero energy strategies and planning support tools for campuses and residential neighborhoods in Germany. ASHRAE Transactions, 126(1), pp 849-856.
  • Eicker, U., Weiler, V., Schumacher, J., & Braun, R. (2020). On the design of an urban data and modeling platform and its application to urban district analyses. Energy and Buildings, Vol 217, 109954.
  • Barco-Burgos, J., Eicker, U., Saldaña-Robles, N., Saldaña-Robles, A., & Alcántar-Camarena, V. (2020). Thermal characterization of an alkaline electrolysis cell for hydrogen production at atmospheric pressure. Fuel, 276, 117910.
  • Heendeniya, C. B., Sumper, A., & Eicker, U. (2020). The multi-energy system co-planning of nearly zero-energy districts – Status-quo and future research potential. Applied Energy, 267, 114953.
  • Braun, R., Haag, M., Stave, J., Abdelnour, N., & Eicker, U. (2020). System design and feasibility of trigeneration systems with hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collectors for zero energy office buildings in different climates. Solar Energy, 196, 39–48.
  • Zirak, M., Weiler, V., Hein, M., & Eicker, U. (2020). Urban models enrichment for energy applications: Challenges in energy simulation using different data sources for building age information. Energy, 190, 116292.
  • De Rosa, M., Brennenstuhl, M., Andrade Cabrera, C., Eicker, U., & Finn, D. P. (2019b). An Iterative Methodology for Model Complexity Reduction in Residential Building Simulation. Energies, 12(12), 2448.
  • Weiler, V., Stave, J., Eicker, U. (2019) Renewable Energy Generation Scenarios Using 3D Urban Modeling Tools—Methodology for Heat Pump and Co-Generation Systems with Case Study Application, Energies 2019, 12(3), 403;pp 3-19, 
  • Romero Rodríguez, L., Brennenstuhl, M., Yadack, M., Boch, Pirmin, Eicker, U. (2019). Heuristic Optimization of Clusters of Heat Pumps: A Simulation and Case Study of Residential Frequency Reserve, Applied Energy, Volumes 233–234, Pages 943-958;
  • Dalibard, A.,  Biesinger, A.,  Cotrado, M.,  Trinkle, A.,  Bartels, U.,  Eicker, U. (2018). Performance improvement of a large chilled-water plant by using simple heat rejection control strategies, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 94, October 2018, Pages 1-10,
  • Gürlich, D., Reber, A., Biesinger, A., Eicker, U. (2018). Daylight Performance of a Translucent Textile Membrane Roof with Thermal Insulation, Buildings 2018, 8(9), 118-137;
  • Schulze, T., Gürlich, D., Eicker, U. (2018) Performance assessment of controlled natural ventilation for air quality control and passive cooling in existing and new office, Energy and Buildings, Volume 172, Pages 265-278, 
  • Eicker, U., Zirak, M., Bartke, N., Rodríguez, L. R., Coors, V. (2018). New 3D model based urban energy simulation for climate protection concepts. Energy and Buildings, Vol 163,, pp 79-91
  • Gómez-Castro, F. M., Schneider, D., Päßler, T., Eicker, U. (2018). Review of indirect and direct solar thermal regeneration for liquid desiccant systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 545–575.
  • Romero Rodríguez, L., Sánchez Ramos, J., Álvarez Domínguez, S., Eicker, U. (2018). Contributions of heat pumps to demand response. A case study of a plus-energy dwelling. Applied Energy, 214, 191–204.
  • Gürlich, D., Dalibard, A., Eicker, U. (2017). Photovoltaic-thermal hybrid collector performance for direct trigeneration in a European building retrofit case study. Energy and Buildings, 152, 701–717.
  • Harter, H., Weiler, V., Eicker, U. (2017). Developing a roadmap for the modernisation of city quarters. Comparing the primary energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Building and Environment (112), 166–176.
  • Monien, D., Strzalka, A., Koukofikis, A., Coors, V., Eicker, U. (2017). Comparison of building modelling assumptions and methods for urban scale heat demand forecasting. Future Cities and Environment, 3 (1), 1–13.
  • Nienborg, B., Dalibard, A., Schnabel, L. & Eicker, U. (2017). Approaches for the optimized control of solar thermally driven cooling systems. Applied Energy (185), 732–744. 
  • Nouvel, R., Zirak, M., Coors, V. & Eicker, U. (2017). The influence of data quality on urban heating demand modeling using 3D city models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 64, 68–80.
  • Romero Rodríguez, L., Duminil, E., Sánchez Ramos, J. & Eicker, U. (2017). Assessment of the photovoltaic potential at urban level based on 3D city models. A case study and new methodological approach. Solar Energy, 146, 264–275.
  • Romero Rodríguez, L., Nouvel, R., Duminil, E. & Eicker, U. (2017). Setting intelligent city tiling strategies for urban shading simulations. Solar Energy, 157, 880–894.
  • Strzalka, R., Schneider, D. & Eicker, U. (2017). Current status of bioenergy technologies in Germany. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 801–820. 
  • Weiler, V., Harter, H. & Eicker, U. (2017). Life cycle assessment of buildings and city quarters comparing demolition and reconstruction with refurbishment. Energy and Buildings (134), 319–328.
  • Yousfi, M. L., Saighi, M., Dalibard, A., Schneider, D. & Eicker, U. (2017). Performance of a 5 kW hot water driven diffusion absorption chiller. Applied Thermal Engineering, 127, 789–799.
  • Monsalvete Álvarez de Uribarri P, Eicker U, Robinson D (2017) Energy performance of decentralized solarthermal feed-in to district heating networks. Energy Procedia 2017; 116, pp 285–296
  • Cipriano, J., Houzeaux, G., Mor, G., Eicker, U., Carbonell, J. & Danov, S. (2016). Development of a dynamic model for natural ventilated photovoltaic components and of a data driven approach to validate and identify the model parameters. Solar Energy (129), 310–331. 
  • Dalibard, A., Gürlich, D., Schneider, D. & Eicker, U. (2016). Control Optimization of Solar Thermally Driven Chillers. Energies, 9 (11), 864.
  • Erhart, T., Gölz, J., Eicker, U. & van den Broek, M. (2016). Working Fluid Stability in Large-Scale Organic Rankine Cycle-Units Using Siloxanes—Long-Term Experiences and Fluid Recycling. Energies, 9 (6).
  • Cremers, J., Mitina, I., Palla, N., Klotz, F., Jobard, X. & Eicker, U. (2015). Experimental Analyses of Different PVT Collector Designs for Heating and Cooling Applications in Buildings. Energy Procedia, 78, 1889–1894.
  • Eicker, U., Demir, E. & Gürlich, D. (2015). Strategies for cost efficient refurbishment and solar energy integration in European Case Study buildings. Energy and Buildings, 102, 237–249. 
  • Eicker, U., Monien, D., Duminil, E. & Nouvel, R. (2015). Energy performance assessment in urban planning competitions. Applied Energy, 155, 323–333.
  • Eicker, U., Pietruschka, D., Haag, M. & Schmitt, A. (2015). Systematic design and analysis of solar thermal cooling systems in different climates. Renewable Energy, 80, 827–836.
  • Eicker, U., Pietruschka, D., Schmitt, A. & Haag, M. (2015). Comparison of photovoltaic and solar thermal cooling systems for office buildings in different climates. Solar Energy, 118, 243–255.
  • Erhart, T., Guerlich, D., Schulze, T. & Eicker, U. (2015). Experimental Validation of Basic Natural Ventilation Air Flow Calculations for different Flow Path and Window Configurations. Energy Procedia, 78, 2838–2843. 
  • Monsalvete, P., Robinson, D. & Eicker, U. (2015). Dynamic Simulation Methodologies for Urban Energy Demand. Energy Procedia, 78, 3360–3365.
  • Nouvel, R., Mastrucci, A., Leopold, U., Baume, O., Coors, V. & Eicker, U. (2015). Combining GIS-based statistical and engineering urban heat consumption modelling: Towards a new framework for multi-scale policy support. Energy and Buildings, 107, 204–212.
  • Ben Hassine, I. & Eicker, U. (2014). Control Aspects of Decentralized Solar Thermal Integration into District Heating Networks. Energy Procedia, 48, 1055–1064.
  • Eicker, U., Colmenar-Santos, A., Teran, L., Cotrado, M. & Borge-Diez, D. (2014). Economic evaluation of solar thermal and photovoltaic cooling systems through simulation in different climatic conditions. An analysis in three different cities in Europe. Energy and Buildings, 70, 207–223. 
  • Eicker, U., Nouvel, R., Duminil, E. & Coors, V. (2014). Assessing Passive and Active Solar Energy Resources in Cities Using 3D City Models. Energy Procedia, 57, 896–905.
  • Eicker, U., Pietruschka, D., Haag, M. & Schmitt, A. (2014). Energy and Economic Performance of Solar Cooling Systems World Wide. Energy Procedia, 57, 2581–2589.
  • Schumacher, J., Pietruschka, D. & Eicker, U. (2014). Commissioning and Operational Control of Photovoltaic Power Plants through Online Simulation. Energy Procedia, 57, 152–160.
  • Ben Hassine, I. & Eicker, U. (2013). Impact of load structure variation and solar thermal energy integration on an existing district heating network. Applied Thermal Engineering, 50 (2), 1437–1446. 
  • Erhart, T., Eicker, U. & Infield, D. (2013). Influence of Condenser Conditions on Organic Rankine Cycle Load Characteristics. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135 (4), 42301.
  • Schulze, T. & Eicker, U. (2013). Controlled natural ventilation for energy efficient buildings. Energy and Buildings, 56, 221–232.
  • Strzalka, R., Erhart, T. & Eicker, U. (2013). Analysis and optimization of a cogeneration system based on biomass combustion. Applied Thermal Engineering, 50 (2), 1418–1426.
  • Tereci, A., Ozkan, S. T. E. & Eicker, U. (2013). Energy benchmarking for residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 60, 92–99. 
  • Eicker, U. (2012). Renewable Energy Sources within Urban Areas: Results from European Case Studies (Report). ASHRAE Transactions, 118, 73–80. Zugriff am 29.11.16.
  • Eicker, U. & Klein, M. (2012). Large-scale renewable energy integration within energy-efficient urban areas. Results from three German case studies. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 9 (3), 202–213.
  • Eicker, U., Schürger, U., Köhler, M., Ge, T., Dai, Y., Li, H. et al. (2012). Experimental investigations on desiccant wheels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 42, 71–80.
  • Kesten, D., Eicker, U., Strzalka, A. M. & Tereci, A. (2012). A method to quantify the energy performance in urban quarters. HVAC&R Research, 18 (1-2), 100–111. 
  • Kesten, D., Tereci, A. & Eicker, U. (2012). A method to quantify the energy performance in urban quarters. ASHRAE HVAC&R Research, 18 (1-2), 100–111. Zugriff am 29.11.16.
  • Strzalka, A., Alam, N., Duminil, E., Coors, V. & Eicker, U. (2012). Large scale integration of photovoltaics in cities. Applied Energy, 93, 413–421.
  • Deng, S., Dalibard, A., Martin, M., Dai, Y. J., Eicker, U. & Wang, R. Z. (2011). Energy supply concepts for zero energy residential buildings in humid and dry climate. Energy Conversion and Management, 52 (6), 2455–2460.
  • Eicker, U. & Dalibard, A. (2011). Photovoltaic–thermal collectors for night radiative cooling of buildings. Solar Energy, 85 (7), 1322–1335. 
  • Strzalka, A., Bogdahn, J., Coors, V. & Eicker, U. (2011). 3D city modelling for urban scale heating energy demand forecasting. ASHRAE HVAC&R Research Journal, Special Issue: Indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation in buildings: Innovation and Integration (Part 1), 17 (4), 526–539.
  • Eicker, U. (2010). Cooling strategies, summer comfort and energy performance of a rehabilitated passive standard office building. Applied Energy, 87 (6), 2031–2039.
  • Eicker, U., Schneider, D., Schumacher, J., Ge, T. & Dai, Y. (2010). Operational experiences with solar air collector driven desiccant cooling systems. Applied Energy, 87 (12), 3735–3747.
  • Kesten, D., Fiedler, S., Thumm, F., Loffler, A. & Eicker, U. (2010). Evaluation of daylight performance in scale models and a full-scale mock-up office. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 5 (3), 158–165. 
  • Strzalka, R., Ulbrich, R. & Eicker, U. (2010). Optimisation of combustion process in biomass-fuelled cogeneration plant. Chemical engineering transactions (21), 469–474.
  • Strzalka, R., Ulbrich, R. & Eicker, U. (2010). 'Propozycja modelu procesu spalania biomasy w kotle rusztowym'- ('Proposal for a model of biomass combustion in a grate furnace'). Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna (Chemical and process engineering), 49 (4), 74–75.
  • Eicker, U. & Pietruschka, D. (2009). Design and performance of solar powered absorption cooling systems in office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 41 (1), 81–91.
  • Eicker, U. & Pietruschka, D. (2009). Optimization and Economics of Solar Cooling Systems. Advances in Building Energy Research, 3 (1), 45–81. 
  • Eicker, U. & Vorschulze, C. (2009). Potential of geothermal heat exchangers for office building climatisation. Renewable Energy, 34 (4), 1126–1133.
  • Eicker, U., Fux, V., Bauer, U., Mei, L. & Infield, D. (2008). Façades and summer performance of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 40 (4), 600–611.
  • Jakob, U., Eicker, U., Schneider, D., Taki, A. H. & Cook, M. J. (2008). Simulation and experimental investigation into diffusion absorption cooling machines for air-conditioning applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 28 (10), 1138–1150.
  • Eicker, U., Huber, M., Seeberger, P. & Vorschulze, C. (2006). Limits and potentials of office building climatisation with ambient air. Energy and Buildings, 38 (6), 574–581. 
  • Infield, D., Eicker, U., Fux, V., Mei, L. & Schumacher, J. (2006). A simplified approach to thermal performance calculation for building integrated mechanically ventilated PV facades. Building and Environment, 41 (7), 893–901.
  • Mei, L., Infield, D., Eicker, U., Loveday, D. & Fux, V. (2006). Cooling potential of ventilated PV façade and solar air heaters combined with a desiccant cooling machine. Renewable Energy, 31 (8), 1265–1278.
  • Pietruschka, D., Eicker, U., Huber, M. & Schumacher, J. (2006). Experimental performance analysis and modelling of liquid desiccant cooling systems for air conditioning in residential buildings. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29 (1), 110–124.
  • Eicker, U., Huber, M., Seeberger, P. & Vorschulze, C. (2005). Passive and low energy cooling of office buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, 4 (3), 203–214. 
  • Jakob, U., Eicker, U. & Barth, U. (2005). Absorption Cooling by sun and waste energy. Ecolibrium, 11 (4), 20–28.
  • Infield, D., Mei, L. & Eicker, U. (2004). Thermal performance estimation for ventilated PV facades. Solar Energy, 76 (1-3), 93–98.
  • Mei, L., Infield, D., Eicker, U. & Fux, V. (2003). Thermal modelling of a building with an integrated ventilated PV façade. Energy and Buildings, 35 (6), 605–617.
  • Mei, L., Infield, D., Eicker, U. & Fux, V. (2002). Parameter estimation for ventilated photovoltaic façades. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 23 (2), 81–96. 
  • Jakob, U. & Eicker, U. (2001). Solare Kühlung mit einer Diffusions-Absorptionskältemaschine. HLH, 52 (12).
  • Lloret, A., Andreu, J., Merten, J., Puigdollers, J., Aceves, O., Sabata, L. Chantant, M.; Eicker, U. (1998). Large grid connected hybrid PV system integrated in a public building. Progress in Photovoltaic Research (6), 453–464.
  • Eicker, U., Darzi, A., Wherrett, B. & Wilson, J. (1991). Optical bistability in amorphous silicon carbon alloys and nonlinear amorphous silicon interference filter. Journal of the optical society of America (8), 614–617.
  • Darzi, A. K., Eicker, U., Wherrett, B. S. & Wilson, J. I. B. (1990). Picosecond spectroscopy of optical nonlinearities in amorphous silicon‐carbon alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 67 (1), 443–447. 
  • Eicker, U., Darzi, A. K., Wherrett, B. & Wilson, J. I. B. (1989). Picosecond photoinduced-absorption studies of band-tail thermalization in hydrogenated amorphous silicon-carbon alloys. Physical Review B, 39 (6), 3664–3669.
  • Eicker, U., Darzi, A. K., Wherrett, B. S. & Wilson, J. I.B. (1989). Optical nonlinearities in amorphous silicon-carbon alloys. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 115 (1-3), 99–101.
  • Quayyum, A., Wilson, J., Ibrahim, K., Al-Sabbagh, S. & Eicker, U. (1988). Growth and properties of glow-discharged hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbon alloys for photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices. Thin solid films, 164.


  • Shafiee Roudbari, N., Eicker, U., Poullis, C., Patterson, Z. (2025). HydroVision: LiDAR-Guided Hydrometric Prediction with Vision Transformers and Hybrid Graph Learning. In: Bebis, G., et al. Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15047. Springer, Cham.  
  • Naghmeh Shafiee Roudbari, Charalambos Poullis, Zachary Patterson, Ursula Eicker. TransGlow: Attention-augmented Transduction model based on Graph Neural Networks for Water Flow Forecasting. In International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2023, Jacksonville, FL, USA, December 15-17, 2023. pages 626-632, IEEE, 2023. 
  • S. Dabirian, N. Rahimi, and U. Eicker, “Stochastic-based Occupant-Centric Building Archetype Modelling Using Plug Load,"  Proceedings of the 18th IBPSA Conference Shanghai, China, pp. 298–305, 2023.

  • T. Santhanavanich, R. Padsala, M. Rossknecht, S. Dabirian, M. M. Saad, U. Eicker, V. Coors, “Enabling Interoperability Of Urban Building Energy Data Based On Ogc Api Standards And Citygml 3d City Models,” ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume X-1/W1-2023 ISPRS Geospatial Week 2023, 2–7 September 2023, Cairo, Egypt. 

  • L. Cimmino, J. Burgos, U. Eicker (2023) Optimal Control Strategy for Mixed Fuel Use in a Renewable Polygeneration System, Proceedings of SMARTGREENS 2023, 70-78, Smartgreens Conference Proceeding, April 2023

  • Santhanavanich, T., Padsala, R., Rossknecht, M., Dabirian, S., Saad, M., Eicker, U., & Coors, V. (2023). Enabling Interoperability of Urban Building Energy Data Based on OGC API Standards and CityGML City Models. The ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.  

  • Masoumi-Verki, S., Haghighat, F., Eicker, U. (2023). Data-Driven Reduced-Order Model for Urban Airflow Prediction. In: Wang, L.L., et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. COBEE 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

  • Hussain, S., El-Bayeh, C. Z., Menon, R. P., Lai, C., & Eicker, U. (2022, August). Flexibility based Coordination Framework For Three-Level Energy Management System. In 2022 19th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST) (pp. 568-572). IEEE. 

  • Naghmeh Shafiee Roudbari, Zachary Patterson, Ursula Eicker, Charalambos Poullis (2022) Simpler is better: Multilevel Abstraction with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Cells for Traffic Prediction, Proceedings of IEEE SSCI 2022 Symposium, 10 pages

  • Fernando Manuel Gómez Castro, Ursula Eicker, Ulrike Jordan (2022) Analysis of Constructive Modifications for Enhancing the Performance of Solar Collector/Regenerators for Liquid Desiccant Systems, Proceedings of the Eurosun 2022 conference, paperID 4837, 12 pages 

  • Wang, J., Lopes, L., & Eicker, U. (2022, June 22-24). Performance Assessment of an Isolated DC Nanogrid with Boost Type Interfaces and Current-Mode Primary Control. [Conference presentation]. 2022 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy. 205-211. doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM53979.2022.9842106.

  • Kuru, M., Gökçül, F., Ölmez, B.B., Eicker, U., Baker, D., Geçer, K., Güleç, S., & Güğül, G.N. (2022, July 25-29). A simulation tool for renewable energy supported buildings. 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Montreal, Canada. 

  • Saad, M., Dabirian, S., Sharma, K., & Eicker, U. (2022, January 30 – February 2). Developing an Automated Workflow for Non-Residential Building Retrofit as a Function of Usage [Conference presentation]. 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

  • Nik-Bakht, M., An, C., Ouf, M., Hafeez, G., Dziedzica, R., Hana, S.H., Nasiria, F., Eicker, U., Hammad, A., & Moselhi, O. (2021). A Value Stream Mapping of Project Lifecycle Data for Circular Construction, 2021 Proceedings of 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Dubai, UAE, 1033-1042.

  • Saberi, A., Athienitis, A., & Eicker, U. (2021, October 26-28). A Comparative Study of the Energy Flexibility Activation Strategies for Zones with Hydronic Radiant Systems [Conference presentation]. The Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH 2021) International Conference, Dubai, UAE.

  • Dziedzic, R., Amador, L., Hammad, A., Nasiri, F., Nik-Bakht, M., Chen, Z., An, C., Eicker, U., Ouf, M., & Moselhi, O. (2021). A framework for asset management planning in sustainable and resilient cities. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 1-10. doi: 10.1109/ISTAS52410.2021.9629158. 

  • Belda, A., Giancola, E., Dabirian, S., Iradj, M., Volpe, R., Samareh, S., Fichera, A., & Eicker, U. (2021). Reviewing challenges and limitations of energy modelling software in the assessment of PEDs using case studies. In: Littlewood J.R., Howlett R.J., Jain L.C. (eds). Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 263. Springer, Singapore.

  • Panchabikesan, K., Ouf, M., Eicker, U., Newsham, G., & Knudsen H. (2021, September 1-3). Investigating thermostat setpoint preferences in Canadian households. Proceedings of the 2021 IBPSA USA, Bruges, Belgium. 

  • Amayri, M., Pawar, Y., Bouguila, N., Ploix, S., & Eicker, U. (2021, April 10-13). Occupancy Estimation in Smart Buildings: Impact of Data Quality on Feature Selection [Conference presentation]. 19th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG 2022), Las Vegas, USA.

  • Panchabikesan, K., Ouf, M., Eicker, U., Doma, A., & Newsham, G. (2021, February 9-11). Knowledge Discovery of Thermostat Setpoint Profiles in Canadian Households for Building Energy Codes and Standards [Conference presentation]. 2021 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, USA. 

  • Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., Dabirian, S., Shirazdi, N., Abolhassani, S. S., Hosseinihaghighi, R., Javadian, S., & Panchabikesan, K. (2020). Planning and Simulation of Net-Zero, Carbon Neutral and Resilient Communities. In A. Athienitis (Ed.), Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables In 2050 (pp. 26–30). Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies and Canadian Academy of Engineering.

  • Chaverri, J., Del Pino, M.A., Schmitt, K.A., & Eicker, U. (2020). A framework for gender equality for localizing the SDGs: A first approach from policy to implementation. Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Virtual, 1-12. 

  • Calise, F., Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., & Vicidomini, M. (2020, June 22-25). Wastewater treatment plant: model of an activated sludge process for the energy demand analysis [Conference presentation]. Seed Conference, San Francisco, USA.

  • Malmir, T., & Eicker, U. (2020, June 11-12). Theoretical Energy Recovery Potential from Food Waste and Yard Waste in New York and Montréal [Conference presentation]. ICFWRTT, Tokyo, Japan. 

  • El-Bayeh, C.Z., Alzaareer, K., Brahmi, B., Mougharbel, I., Saad, M., Chandra, A., & Eicker, U. (2020, March 24-26). A Novel Programmable Smart Transformer for Energy Management in Buildings. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries, Marrakech, Morocco, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/REDEC49234.2020.9163875

  • El-Bayeh, C. Z., Zaareer, K., M.H., Brahmi, B., Panchabikesan, K., Venturini, W., & Eicker, U. (2020, March 24-26). A Comparison between PV and Dish Stirling Systems Towards Self-Sufficient Energy Building in Lebanon. Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (REDEC), Marrakech, Morocco, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/REDEC49234.2020.9163860 

  • Eicker, U., & Malmir, T. (2020, February 13-14). Theoretical Energy Recovery Potential from Food Waste and Yard Waste in New York and Montreal [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Food Waste Recovery Techniques and Technologies, London, United Kingdom.

  • Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K., Weiler, V., Eicker, U., & Lohse, R. (2020, February 1-5). Net zero energy strategies and planning support tools for campuses and residential neighborhoods in Germany. Proceedings of the 2020 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando, USA, 1-8.

  • Eicker, U. (2019, December 6). Evaluating the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in an Urban District: Integrated urban modeling using INSEL 4D [Conference presentation]. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Conference, New York City, New York, USA.

  • Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., Brennenstuhl, M., & Weiler, V. (2019, November 4-7) Renewable energy supply concepts for next generation cities using the integrated urban modeling platform INSEL 4D. Proceedings for the Solar World Congress, Santiago, Chile. doi:10.18086/swc.2019.51.02 

  • • Brennenstuhl, M., Lust, D., Yadack, M., & Eicker, U. (2019, October 17-18). Evolutionary Algorithm Based Demand Response Optimization of a Prosumer Household with Heat Pump and PV in Germany [Conference presentation]. 4th Annual APEEN Conference Energy Demand Side Management and Electricity Markets, Covilhã, Portugal.

  • Ge, X., Kremers, E., Yadack, M., & Eicker, U. (2019, September 18-20). Simulation-supported quantification of flexibility: assessing the potential for blocks of buildings to participate in demand response markets. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/EEM.2019.8916570 

  • Weiler, V., & Eicker, U. (2019, September 2-4). Individual Domestic Hot Water Profiles for Building Simulation at Urban Scale. Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Conference, Rome, Italy, 3341-3346. 10.26868/25222708.2019.210467

  • Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., & Coors, V. (2019, September 2-4). On the design of an urban data and modelling platform and its application to an urban district case study. Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Conference, Rome, Italy, 3508-3515.

  • Köhler, S., Betz, M., & Eicker, U. (2019, August 25-28). Stochastic generation of household electricity load profiles in 15 minute resolution on building level for whole city quarters [Conference presentation]. 16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Mittelstädt, A., Köhler, S., Kesnar, C., Sihombing, R., Duminil, E., Coors, V., Eicker, U., & Schröter, B. (2019, June 24-26). A multi-scale, web-based interface for strategic planning of low-carbon city quarters [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Urban Informatics, Hung Hom, Hong Kong. 

  • Eicker, U. (2019, June 11). Renewable energy generation scenarios using the urban modelling platform Insel4D [Conference presentation]. Solar World Congress, Santiago, Chile.

  • D’Ettorre, F., Brennenstuhl, M., Kathirgamanathan, A., De Rosa, M., Yadack, M., Eicker, U., & Finn, D. (2019, May 26-29). A set of comprehensive indicators to assess energy flexibility: a case study for residential buildings. E3S Web Conf., 111.

  • Lust, D., & Eicker, U. (2019, March 12-14). Decentralized city district hydrogen storage system based on the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate. Proceedings of the 13th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 137-144. DOI:10.2991/ires-19.2019.17

  • Eicker, U. (2019, January 28-29). Optimierte Energieanalysen mittels 3D Simulation für urbane Energiesysteme [Conference presentation]. Kongresses Energiewende bauen, Berlin, Germany.

  • Dabirian, S., Panchabikesan, K., Menon, R.P., Eicker, U. (2022, August 22-23). Data-driven framework to extract the occupant-related profiles in institutional buildings. [Con-ference presentation abstract]. BuildSim Nordic 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Amayri, M., Pawar, Y., Bouguila, N, Ploix, S., & Eicker, U. (2022, May 25-27). Occupancy Es-timation in Smart Buildings: Impact of Data Quality on Feature Selection [Conference presen-tation]. 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Wang, J., Lopes, L., & Eicker, U. (2022, June 22-24). Performance Assessment of an Isolated DC Nanogrid with Boost Type Interfaces and Current-Mode Primary Control. [Conference presentation]. 2022 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy. 205-211. doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM53979.2022.9842106.
  • Kuru, M., Gökçül, F., Ölmez, B.B., Eicker, U., Baker, D., Geçer, K., Güleç, S., & Güğül, G.N. (2022, July 25-29). A simulation tool for renewable energy supported buildings. 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Montreal, Canada.
  • Saad, M., Dabirian, S., Sharma, K., & Eicker, U. (2022, January 30 – February 2). Developing an Automated Workflow for Non-Residential Building Retrofit as a Function of Usage [Conference presentation]. 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Nik-Bakht, M., An, C., Ouf, M., Hafeez, G., Dziedzica, R., Hana, S.H., Nasiria, F., Eicker, U., Hammad, A., & Moselhi, O. (2021). A Value Stream Mapping of Project Lifecycle Data for Circular Construction, 2021 Proceedings of 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Dubai, UAE, 1033-1042.

    Shennib, F., & Schmitt, K. (2021). Data-driven technologies and artificial intelligence in circular economy and waste management systems: a review. 2021 Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, Waterloo, Canada, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ISTAS52410.2021.9629183

    Saberi, A., Athienitis, A., & Eicker, U. (2021, October 26-28). A Comparative Study of the Energy Flexibility Activation Strategies for Zones with Hydronic Radiant Systems [Conference presentation]. The Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH 2021) International Conference, Dubai, UAE.
  • Padsala, R., Gebetsroither-Geringer, E., Peters-Anders, J., & Coors, V. (2021). Inception of harmonizing data silos and urban simulation tools using 3d city models for sustainable management of the urban food water and energy resources. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., VIII-4/W1-2021, 6th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, Stuttgart, Germany. 81-88. DOI:10.5194/isprs-annals-VIII-4-W1-2021-81-2021
  • Belda, A., Giancola, E., Dabirian, S., Iradj, M., Volpe, R., Samareh, S., Fichera, A., & Eicker, U. (2021). Reviewing challenges and limitations of energy modelling software in the assessment of PEDs using case studies. In: Littlewood J.R., Howlett R.J., Jain L.C. (eds). Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 263. Springer, Singapore.
  • Padsala, R., Gebetsroither-Geringer, E., Bao, K., & Coors, V. (2021). The Application of CityGML Food Water Energy ADE to Estimate the Biomass Potential for a Land Use Scenario. Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, REAL CORP 2021, Vienna, Austria. 851-861.
  • Panchabikesan, K., Ouf, M., Eicker, U., Newsham, G., & Knudsen H. (2021, September 1-3). Investigating thermostat setpoint preferences in Canadian households. Proceedings of the 2021 IBPSA USA, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Zellagui, M., Belbachir, N., El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Optimal Allocation of RDG in Distribution System Considering the Seasonal Uncertainties of Load Demand and Solar-Wind Generation Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON), Lviv, Ukraine, 471-477. doi: 10.1109/EUROCON52738.2021.9535617
  • Zellagui, M., Lasmari, A., Settoul, S., El-Bayeh, C.Z., & Belbachir, N. (2021). Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Installation of DSTATCOM into Distribution System based Various Voltage Stability Indices. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/MPS52805.2021.9492572
  • Belbachir, N., Zellagui, M., Settoul, S., & El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Multi-Objective Optimal Renewable Distributed Generator Integration in Distribution Systems Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm Considering Overcurrent Relay Indices. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/MPS52805.2021.9492567
  • Alqaisi, W., & El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021, May 28-30). Design and Implementation of Electrical Dynamic Braking System in Electric Car Using Buck Converter [Conference presentation]. 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021), Jamshedpur, India.
  • Zellagui, M., Belbachir, N., Lasmari, A., Bekkouche, B., & El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Application Hybrid Chaotic Maps and Adaptive Acceleration Coefficients PSO Algorithm for Optimal Integration Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Problem in Distribution Energy Network. Proceedings of the 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC), Jamshedpur, India.
  • Amayri, M., Pawar, Y., Bouguila, N., Ploix, S., & Eicker, U. (2021, April 10-13). Occupancy Estimation in Smart Buildings: Impact of Data Quality on Feature Selection [Conference presentation]. 19th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG 2022), Las Vegas, USA.
  • Zellagui, M., Lasmari, A., Belbachir, N., & El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Assessment Integration of Hybrid PV-DSTATCOM-BES-DG System in EDS under Uncertainties Using Chaotic Adaptive Inertia Weight PSO Algorithms. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on advanced topics in electrical engineering (ATEE), Bucharest, Romania, 1-8. doi: 10.1109/ATEE52255.2021.9425344
  • Zellagui, M., Belbachir, N., Lasmari, A., Bekkouche, B., El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Optimal PV Sources Integration in Distribution System and Its Impacts on Overcurrent Relay Based Time-Current-Voltage Tripping Characteristic. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on advanced topics in electrical engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ATEE52255.2021.9425155
  • Alqaisi, W., Kali, Y., & El-Bayeh, C.Z. (2021). Modified Fast Terminal Super-Twisting Control for Uncertain Robot Manipulators. Proceedings of the 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Monastir, Tunisia, 1142-1147. doi: 10.1109/SSD52085.2021.9429461
  • Laraki, M.H., Brahmi, B., El-Bayeh, C.Z., Rahman, M.H. (2021). Energy management system for a Stand-alone Wind/ Diesel/ BESS/ Fuel-cell Using Dynamic Programming. Proceedings of the 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Monastir, Tunisia, 1258-1263. doi: 10.1109/SSD52085.2021.9429362
  • Panchabikesan, K., Ouf, M., Eicker, U., Doma, A., & Newsham, G. (2021, February 9-11). Knowledge Discovery of Thermostat Setpoint Profiles in Canadian Households for Building Energy Codes and Standards [Conference presentation]. 2021 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, USA.
  • Luo, Y., Afrasiabi, S.N., Lai, C., & Pillay, P. (2020). An Improved Method to Estimate Turn-on Switching Loss of 650V GaN HEMTs in Hard-switching Topology. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Virtual, 1078-1083. doi: 10.23919/ICEMS50442.2020.9291186
  • Afrasiabi, S.N., & Lai, C. (2020). Investigation of LC Filter Unbalance in an Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Virtual, 1961-1966. doi: 10.23919/ICEMS50442.2020.9291118
  • Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., Dabirian, S., Shirazdi, N., Abolhassani, S. S., Hosseinihaghighi, R., Javadian, S., & Panchabikesan, K. (2020). Planning and Simulation of Net-Zero, Carbon Neutral and Resilient Communities. In A. Athienitis (Ed.), Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables In 2050 (pp. 26–30). Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies and Canadian Academy of Engineering.
  • Chaverri, J., Del Pino, M.A., Schmitt, K.A., & Eicker, U. (2020). A framework for gender equality for localizing the SDGs: A first approach from policy to implementation. Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Virtual, 1-12.
  • Calise, F., Eicker, U., Schumacher, J., & Vicidomini, M. (2020, June 22-25). Wastewater treatment plant: model of an activated sludge process for the energy demand analysis [Conference presentation]. Seed Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • Malmir, T., & Eicker, U. (2020, June 11-12). Theoretical Energy Recovery Potential from Food Waste and Yard Waste in New York and Montréal [Conference presentation]. ICFWRTT, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Lai, C. (2020, May 4-8). Demagnetization Fault Diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor at Standstill Condition [Conference presentation]. 2020 International Magnetics Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Lai, C. (2020, May 4-8). An Improved Method of Sensorless Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Considering Magnetic Saturation [Conference presentation]. 2020 International Magnetics Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Lai, C. (2020, May 4-8). Genetic Algorithm Based Flux Linkage Estimation for PMSMs Considering Magnetic Saturation and Spatial Harmonics [Conference presentation]. 2020 International Magnetics Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Alzaareer, K., & El-Bayeh, C. Z. (2020). Steps toward Smart Energy Self-Sufficient Buildings. IEEE Smart Grid Publications.
  • El-Bayeh, C.Z., Alzaareer, K., Brahmi, B., Mougharbel, I., Saad, M., Chandra, A., & Eicker, U. (2020, March 24-26). A Novel Programmable Smart Transformer for Energy Management in Buildings. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries, Marrakech, Morocco, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/REDEC49234.2020.9163875
  • Alzaareer, K., Saad. M., Mehrjerdi, H., El-Bayeh, C. Z., Asber, D., & Lefebvre, S. (2020, March 24-26). Voltage and Congestion Control in Active Distribution Networks Using Fast Sensitivity Analysis. Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (REDEC), Marrakech, Morocco, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/REDEC49234.2020.9163873.
  • El-Bayeh, C.Z., Alzaareer, K., Laraki, M., Brahmi, B., Kaymanesh, A., Rahimi Far, S., & Mougharbel, I. (2020, March 24-26). Installation of 100 MW Concentrated Solar Power Plant in Lebanon: A Comparative Study Between Linear Fresnel and Dish-Stirling. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries, Marrakech, Morocco, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/REDEC49234.2020.9163845
  • Eicker, U., & Malmir, T. (2020, February 13-14). Theoretical Energy Recovery Potential from Food Waste and Yard Waste in New York and Montreal [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Food Waste Recovery Techniques and Technologies, London, United Kingdom.
  • Eicker, U. (2020, February 1). Net Zero Energy Strategies and Planning Support Tools for Campuses and Residential Neighborhoods in Germany [Presentation]. ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Hu, J. (2019, December 14–15). Shameless Bullies and Shameless Heroes, 1st International Society of East Asian Philosophy [Presentation]. International Society of East Asian Philosophy International Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Eicker, U. (2019, December 6). Evaluating the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in an Urban District: Integrated urban modeling using INSEL 4D [Presentation]. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Conference, New York City, New York, USA.
  • Ouf, M. (2019, September 2–4). Simulation-based approach to assess occupant-adaptability of buildings [Presentation]. IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Rome, Italy.
  • Ouf, M. (2019, September 2–4). Quantifying adaptability of building operations [Presentation]. IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Rome, Italy.
  • Hu, J. (2019, July 2–5). Shameless Bullies and Shameless Heroes, 21st International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy [Presentation]. CBSIG 2019 Conference, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Eicker, U. (2019, June 11). Renewable energy generation scenarios using the urban modelling platform Insel4D [Presentation]. Solar World Congress, Santiago, Chile.
  • Ouf, M. (2019, January 12–16). Optimizing Building Performance using Stochastic Occupant Models [Presentation]. ASHRAE Winter Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


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