About CSBN
The Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology (CSBN) brings together the talents of scientists interested in probing the fundamental brain mechanisms that underlie behavior and disease.
Founded in 1983 by four enterprising faculty members at Concordia University, the CSBN has grown into an interuniversity research center comprising core laboratories at Concordia University, McGill University, and l'Université de Montréal.
Together these teams include over 150 investigators, from faculty to research associates, visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and students at the doctoral and undergraduate levels. The quality of research and training at the CSBN has achieved international recognition and attracts ongoing collaboration with other institutes around the world.
Historically, a major focus of research at the CSBN has been the study of the neurobiological bases of addiction and reward, decision-making and circadian rhythms. With the growth of the Center, the research focus has broadened to include the study of learning and memory, sexual behaviour and female cognition, and biological rhythms and neural oscillations.
These research areas are studied at molecular, cellular, neuronal, hormonal and psychological levels of analysis. Experimental approaches include neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, optogenetics and chemogenetics, neuroanatomy, neuroendocrinology, and molecular neuroscience.
In 2007, the Center received funding as a Groupe de recherche en neurobiologie comportementale (GRNC) from Fonds de la re recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS). Ongoing support from Concordia University and FRQS has enabled continued expansion and scientific advancement at the CSBN/GRNC.
Founders of the CSBN

Zalman Amit, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Concordia University

Peter Shizgal, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Concordia University

Jane Stewart, PhD, OC, FRSC
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Concordia University

Roy Wise, PhD, FRSC
Senior Investigator
National Institute on Drug Abuse