Postdoctoral fellows
Postdoctoral trainees are an integral part of research at the CSBN.
The wide array of conceptual and technical expertise of CSBN members, together with our strongly collaborative approach to research and training provides an especially rich environment within which postdoctoral fellows can broaden their own research experience and skills.
Funding for postdoctoral fellowships is provided both by individual researchers and government agencies.
Individuals seeking a postdoctoral position are asked to contact individual CSBN members directly.
Useful links
- Living in Montreal
- Bonjour Québec
- Concordia University School of Graduate Studies (postdoctoral fellows)
- Graduate funding at Concordia University
- CIHR graduate fellowships (Master’s Award, Doctoral Research Award)
- Fellowships and funding opportunities
- CIHR (Fellowship)
- NSERC postdoctoral fellowship programs
- FRQS postdoctoral fellowships