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Working in French

The Quebec job market

Did you know? Many professional associations in Quebec require their members to speak French.

Québec has a diversified economy, with some 4.5 million jobs. Greater Montreal accounts for nearly half of all jobs in Quebec!

There's a lot to know! Use all the resources below and at your disposal to find a stimulating job that matches your strengths and skills. Find out more about the job market, socio-economic progress, employment trends, the economy, job banks, recruitment initiatives and much more:

Quebec Selection Certificate

(Certificat de sélection du Québec [CSQ])

Find out how to immigrate as a skilled worker.

Experiential learning

Consider studying abroad — you could benefit from research funding opportunities and paid internships.

Co-operative education: Finish your studies with a head start on the global job market. A Co-op program offers professional development, networking opportunities with potential employers and paid internships integrated within your program.

Humanities+ is designed for undergraduate Concordia students pursuing a degree in the humanities. This program prepares students for life after graduation through a unique experience in skills development and learning.

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