Sustainability news
Stay informed. Be sustainability smart! Read about the latest sustainability initiatives and activities at Concordia.

Concordia co-creates a new kind of workspace
October 11, 2016

Kombucha, coffee and free bananas: it’s Fair Trade Campus Week at Concordia!
September 21, 2016

Concordia leads the way in energy efficiency
September 21, 2016

TEDxConcordia wants you — to share 'ideas worth spreading'!
September 13, 2016

Meet Concordia’s newest Royal Society of Canada member
September 13, 2016

Wanted: students to develop interdisciplinary ideas — and solutions
September 7, 2016

It’s official: Concordia is a Fair Trade Campus
August 30, 2016

How climate change will hurt humanity's closest cousins
August 10, 2016

Wicked problems, dynamic solutions and a new global classroom
August 10, 2016

Waste not, want not
August 3, 2016

How can we slow down urban sprawl?
July 6, 2016