Study sustainability
As institutions of higher learning, universities are uniquely positioned to influence and prepare future generations for the social, economic and ecological challenges they will face.

Programs & certificates
Concordia University offers over 50 undergraduate, graduate and professional certificate programs that will enhance your understanding of sustainability.
Our directory lists programs and certificates that are:
- Specifically focused on sustainability;
- Include sustainability-focused learning objectives; or
- Require successful competion of a sustainability-focused course

Sustainability courses
Concordia University offers many course options for students interested in learning more about sustainability.
Courses listed in our directory include:
- Foundational courses with a primary and explicit focus on sustainability;
- Courses with a primary and explicit focus on the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems;
- Courses with a primary and explicit focus on the application of sustainability within a field; or
- Courses with a primary and explicit focus on a major sustainability challenge

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Concordia has partnered with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to create two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) called Wicked Problems, Dynamic Solutions: The Ecosystem Approach and Systems Thinking and From Source to Sea to Sustainability: Integrated Cycles in Wastewater and Nutrient Management.
These interdisciplinary courses are open to anyone who is interested in the opportunity to learn about such complex ideas as ecological resilience, environmental governance, urban biodiversity and the impact of climate change in an accessible way.

Sustainable Curriculum Report
The latest sustainable curriculum inventory, conducted by the Office of Sustainability, assesses the level of sustainability content and program-level learning outcomes across the curriculum for the 2018 to 2019 and 2020 to 2021 academic years.
The inventory report found that 11 per cent of courses contain sustainability content. It was also found that approximately 19 per cent of Concordia students graduate from programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability.

Stories related to sustainability curriculum

Concordia students team up with Bâtiment 7 in the name of sustainability

Concordia is among the world’s best universities for graduate employability