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Faculty of Fine Arts

Concordia is home to Canada’s most comprehensive fine arts faculty, with nearly 4,000 students in nine departments. It offers a wide range of visual, performing, cinematic, design, digital and therapeutic arts programs.

Art Volt Collection

The Art Volt program supports recent Fine Arts alumni as they transition out of their academic degrees and embark on their careers. Art Volt reinforces the knowledge and practices students gain during their degree, while providing real-world experiences and connections they can build on in their personal and professional lives.

This includes the Art Volt Collection (AVC), a professional, juried sales and rental marketplace that showcases the works of recent Faculty of Fine Arts graduates, helping them launch their careers by connecting them with art patrons.

Vist the the Art Volt Collection website.


Art Hives

Open to both Concordians and the public, Art Hives are free, non-directed community spaces that foster connection, creativity, and self-care among participants.

At these community studios, everyone is considered an artist, and people are encouraged to talk, make art, build communities, and respond to critical matters creatively.

Creative arts therapy facilitators schedule and lead regular creative sessions, which welcome participants in the two fixed studio locations. Art Hives also hosts pop-up events in collaboration with other on-campus events such as Open House, Orientation, and the SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation.


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