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Honours in Economics: eligibility and requirements

The BA Honours in Economics is a 60-credit concentration that requires a strong basis in mathematical, analytical, and writing skills. This concentration is offered as an option to students who are looking at pursuing graduate work in Economics: graduating with Honours signals to future employers and graduate school admission committees that a student has achieved a high level of academic excellence and dedication to the discipline. Students in the Honours in Economics are trained in advanced microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics, and have the opportunity to select a number of elective courses.

While the Honours in Economics does not include a thesis course, students interested in research are encouraged to consider getting involved in undergraduate research activities at Concordia, as well as in opportunities such as the Bank of Canada Governor’s Challenge. Students are also invited to reach out to their Economics professors to inquire about mentorship opportunities in preparation for their graduate studies.

Students must apply for an internal change of concentration after their admission to Concordia into the Major or Specialization in Economics (or another relevant concentration).

Review the requirements (Faculty of Arts and Science)  

Application to Honours must be submitted by April 30. Students must meet the eligibility requirements outlined below in order for their application to be considered. Students are invited to meet with an Economics academic advisor during their first year to discuss preparing for the transfer.

The department’s academic advisor will make a recommendation for admission to the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Honours committee. The committee will make the final decision on an applicant’s file; the decision will be communicated to the student by email. The email will include information on the Honours requirements, as well as a prompt to schedule an appointment with an Economics academic advisor to go over their Honours course selection.


Melissa Faisal
Economics Undergraduate Assistant
514-848-2424 x3903

Admission into Honours requires the following:

  • 30 Concordia credits on record in the student's current program (this does not include transfer credits)
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.30 (B+) and assessment GPA of 3.30 (B+), overall and in ECON courses
  • No grade lower than a C in any course taken at Concordia
  • The completed 'Change of concentration' form, available from Ms. Faisal at by request.

Please consult with Ms. Faisal for any questions regarding the application process.

Honours students must:

  • Maintain a Cumulative GPA of at least 3.30 in the Honours concentration.
  • Maintain an Assessment GPA of at least 3.30 in the Honours concentration (overall and in all ECON courses).
  • Earn grades of C or above in all courses, including non-ECON courses. (C- is not acceptable.)
  • Complete all degree requirements required by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Department of Economics.
  • Achieve a minimum Cumulative/Graduation GPA of at least 3.30 in order to graduate with Honours.

A student who fails any of the requirements listed above will be transferred into the Specialization in Economics. This will be done when the student’s file is assessed by the Department twice a year for compliance with Honours requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they follow the requirements for staying registered in Honours.  

For further assistance and advice, we invite all current and future Honours students to make an appointment to speak with Prof. Ivan Tchinkov. In addition, we encourage students to make use of the resources available to them.

It is important for Honours students interested in graduate studies to start thinking about it early in the last year of their undergraduate degree. This is the time to look at options for scholarship opportunities, program content, location, etc. The deadline for most government-based social science scholarships is in October, with the funds available in the following academic year. Consult this page for more information and tips on applying for graduate funding.

For more information about graduate studies in Economics, please contact the Economics Graduate Program Director.

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