Economics working papers series
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 63 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available.
Recent working papers
Miguel Casares, Paul Gomme, & Hashmat Khan
Private versus Social Responses to a Pandemic
Muntasir Chaudhury & Szilvia Pápai
Affirmative Action Policies in School Choice: Immediate versus Deferred Acceptance
Heejeong Kim & Jung Hwan Kim
Student Debt, College Cost, and Wage Inequality
Miguel Casares, Paul Gomme & Hashmat Khan
COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Scenarios for Ontario
Tatyana Koreshkova & Minjoon Lee
Nursing Homes in Equilibrium: Implications for Long-term Care Policies
Nickesha Ayoade and Szilvia Pápai
School Choice with Preference Rank Classes
Christian Belzil & Jorgen Hansen
Reconciling Changes in Wage Inequality with Changes in College Selectivity using a Behavioral Model
Christian Belzil & Jorgen Hansen
The Evolution of the US Family Income-Schooling Relationship and Educational Selectivity
Rouzbeh Ghouchani and Szilvia Pápai
Preference Aggregation for Couples
Axel Watanabe
The Size Distribution of Cities with Distance-Bound Households
John Duffy, Janet Hua Jiang & Huan Xie
Experimental Asset Markets with An Indefinite Horizon
Paul Gomme
Ramsey Tax Competition with Real Exchange Rate Determination
Xintong Han & Lei Xu
Technology Adoption in Input-Output Networks
Heejeong Kim
Observed and Unobserved Sources of Wealth Inequality
Heejeong Kim
Inequality, Portfolio Choice and the Great Recession