Graduate studies
We currently offer four graduate programs: one diploma, two masters and one doctorate
Geography, Urban & Environmental Studies (MSc)
This program is designed to provide students with the theoretical foundation and methodological tools necessary to contribute to the understanding of human interventions in the environment. Through its emphasis on specialization and interdisciplinary perspectives, students are given the opportunity to carry out in-depth research work in any of the Department’s areas of specialization covering three broad categories of environment: the natural or bio-physical environment; the human, cultural or behavioural environment; and the urban, built or designed environment. In addition to contributing to the advancement of knowledge, students will be well placed to enter a wide range of careers in environmental, urban planning and public policy fields.

Geography, Urban & Environmental Studies (PhD)
The program is designed to address the theoretical foundation and methodological tools to contribute to the understanding of the complex nature of reciprocating interactions and feedbacks between humans and the environment. Students are given the opportunity to conduct in-depth research work in any of the Department’s areas of specialization covering three broad categories of environment: the natural or bio-physical environment; the human, cultural or behavioural environment; and the urban, built or designed environment. In addition to be at the forefront of the advancement of knowledge in this vital field, students will be well placed to enter a wide range of careers in environmental, urban planning and public policy fields in the academic, private or governmental sectors.
Masters of Environmental Assessment (MEnv)
The program is designed to develop a sound and critical understanding of the processes and methodologies of Environmental Assessment (EA), to expose students to the range of public policy and social science considerations involved in environmental planning, sustainable development and resource decision-making, to enhance students' existing knowledge of the biogeophysical environment and provide students with a thorough understanding of GIS applied to environmental decision-making. It is directed towards individuals who hold an undergraduate degree in any relevant discipline in the social or physical sciences and are interested in developing or enhancing their knowledge and skills in the environmental field. Students will also be able to relate EA theory and practice during their internship, designed to provide opportunities for them to deepen their knowledge and extend their skills through direct application as EA practitioners in governmental, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or private sector companies.
Diploma of Environmental Assessment (DEA)
The Diploma in Environmental Assessment (EA) has been designed to fulfill three objectives:
- to expose students to the range of broad public policy and social science considerations involved in environmental planning, sustainable development and resource decision-making; and
- to develop a sound understanding of the processes and methodologies of EA;
- to enhance students' existing knowledge of the biogeophysical environment.
The Diploma is directed towards individuals who hold an undergraduate degree and are interested in developing or enhancing their knowledge and skills in the environmental field. The program will be offered over two semesters (fall and winter). To meet the schedule of those in the work force, many courses will be offered in the evening.