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Environmental Assessment (MEnv)

Master of Environment (MEnv)

Program overview

The MEnv in Environmental Assessment gives you a comprehensive background in scoping, data collection and analysis, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). You will explore all aspects and methodologies of the environmental assessment process as you effectively analyze technical reports and oversee complex projects. Objective assessments must identify all environmental risks associated with a proposal and offer solutions to mitigate those concerns. You will benefit from a four-month internship where you will work under professional supervision in a field related to environmental assessment. Potential placement after graduation includes all levels of government, international agencies, non-governmental organizations and private corporations. Now more than ever, we need specialists in federal environmental laws and policies to effectively develop impact studies before plans or programs are carried out.


Program details

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate discipline in Arts or Science from a recognized university with a minimum GPA of 3.30 out of 4.30.
  • Strong language skills in English and/or French.
  • Proficiency in English. Applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate that their knowledge of English is sufficient to pursue graduate studies in their chosen field. Please refer to the English language proficiency page for further information on requirements and exemptions.

Students may be required to take preparatory courses if there is a lack of appropriate preparation in Ecology or Geographic Information Systems, Physical Geography or Statistics.

Degree Requirements

Fully-qualified candidates are required to complete a minimum of 45 credits.

Please see the Geography, Planning and Environment Courses page for course descriptions.

Environmental Assessment MEnv (45 credits)


credits of Compulsory Courses:


  ENVS 601 EA: Concepts, Principles and Practice (6.00)
  ENVS 608 Getting Ready for the EA Internship (3.00)
  ENVS 652 Data Collection and Analysis for EA (3.00)
  ENVS 653 Geographical Information Systems for EA (3.00)
  ENVS 664 Field Course in EA (3.00)
  ENVS 668 Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Assessment (3.00)


credits of Elective Courses:


  ENVS 604 Environmental Law and Policy (3.00)
  ENVS 605 Environmental Standards (3.00)
  ENVS 620 Advanced Topics in Environmental Assessment (3.00)
  GEOG 620 Special Topics in Geography (3.00)
  HENV 610 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (3.00)
  HENV 625 Sustainable Resource Management (3.00)
  HENV 655 Environmental Modelling (3.00)
  HENV 660 Climate Change and Sustainability (3.00)
  HENV 670 Environmental Governance (3.00)
  HENV 675 Community-Based Conservation (3.00)
  HENV 680 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science (3.00)


credits of Internship and Internship-related courses:

  ENVS 610 Internship Report Peer Review (3.00)
  ENVS 684 Internship (6.00)
  ENVS 685 Internship Project Proposal (3.00)
  ENVS 686 Internship Report (3.00)
  ENVS 687 Internship Project Presentation (3.00)


Your completed application will include:

Please apply online. Read the how-to guide for application procedures. 

Environmental Assessment MEnv Feb. 1 n/a n/a

The MEnv program is considered a professional program, which means that no internal funding is available. Occasionally, opportunities may arise for Teaching Assistantships, but these are not guaranteed.  


During a four-month internship, you will gain hands-on experience under professional supervision. Internships may evolve into temporary or permanent employment positions, and students are often paid during their placement.

To start the internship, students must have completed the prescribed 27 credits of course work; must have achieved an overall GPA of 3.30 or higher; and must have demonstrated language proficiency as required by the internship host. Read about employers’ testimonials of MEnv students.

Examples of past internship sites include:

  • Environment Canada
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
  • Office of the Auditor General
  • United Nations
  • Commission on Environmental Cooperation
  • David Suzuki Foundation
  • Pollution Probe
  • Sierra Club
  • Ericsson
  • Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Lima, Peru
  • US Council on Environmental Quality
  • Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MDDELCC)

The Geography, Planning and Environment Graduate Students Association hosts seminars and social events for all graduate students in our department. Become an elected officer and participate in a number of committees that make a vital contribution to university activities.

In 2022, a survey was conducted on MEnv alumni. The results below highlight the responses from fifty-nine respondents who graduated between 2012 and 2022.

Eighty-three percent (83%) of MEnv alumni are happy in their work. Here’s why: 

  • MEnv students are successful in finding a professional position related to the environmental field. By the time MEnv students finish the program, 68% are bridged into a full-time or contract position from their internship and 22% found a full-time position within 6 months.
  • Alumni generally work in an environmental field that recognizes their contributions through salary and work title. The majority of work (86%) is related to the environment across all employment sectors. After 3 years of graduation, the average salary earned is about,
    $69 000/year.
  • MEnv alumni work around the world, with a strong basis in the province of Quebec and Ontario, mainly in Montreal and Ottawa/Gatineau. MEnv alumni are working across Canada, the Americas, and Europe.

For more details, see the results of our latest Graduate placement survey.


Examples of organizations and institutions our alumni are currently working for include:

Indigenous-led organisations

  • Cree Nation Government
  • Firelight Group
  • Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki
  • Grand Council Treaty #3
  • Institut de Développement Durable des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador

Public services

  •  Canadian Coast Guard
  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
  • City of Mississauga
  • Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
  • Infrastructure Canada
  • Office of the Auditor General of Canada
  • Parks Canada
  • Species at Risk Implementation
  • The National Capital Commission
  • Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Transport Canada
  • University of British Columbia
  • Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board

Private sector

  • Allianz SE
  • Bell Canada
  • Canadian National Rail
  • Ecometrica
  • Golder Associates
  • HSP Engineering & Environmental Services
  • Insideo
  • Nimonik
  • Odonaterra Inc
  • OXIA-Initiative
  • Saputo
  • Scania AB
  • Stantec
  • Terrahumana Solutions
  • WSP


  • Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation
  • Canadian Institute for Climate Choices
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Green Coalition
  • Open North
  • Net Impact Montreal
  • Regeneration Canada
  • The Climate Reality Project Canada

Our graduates are also well-placed to continue their studies at the doctoral level. Explore scholarly publications authored or co-authored by MEnv students.


While we welcome applications from qualified international candidates, it is important to note that certain restrictions and/or limitations may apply:

  • International students may not be eligible for some of our posted internships, as certain programs require Canadian citizenship and/or Canadian Permanent Residency.
  • While Concordia is an English university, we are situated in a Canadian province that is primarily French.  Students that speak both languages will have greater advantage when seeking internships.
  • Not all internships posted take place in Montréal, Québec.  Students that are willing to relocate after their first year of study have greater success in securing an internship.
  • Having an international driver’s licence is an asset.

Tel.: 514-848-2424 ext. 2051

1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., H 1255-16
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 1M8


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