Academic regulations
GPA Requirement
The academic progress of students is monitored. Students whose GPA falls below 3.00 are considered to be on academic probation during the following review period. Students whose GPA falls below 3.00 are considered to be on academic probation during the semester. Students whose GPA falls below 3.00 for two consecutive semesters are withdrawn from the program. In order to graduate, students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.
C Rule
Students in research master’s/magisteriate programs are allowed to receive no more than one C grade in order to remain in good standing in the university.
F Rule
Students who receive a failing grade in the course of their studies will be withdrawn from the program. Students may apply for readmission. Students who receive another failing grade after re-admission will be withdrawn from the program.
The minimum residence requirement is one year (3 terms) of full-time study, or the equivalent in part-time study.