Dr. Nancy R. Tapias Torrado (2023-24)
PhD Sociology
University of Oxford (2021)
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado is the Social Justice Centre’s 2023-24 Barry Pashak postdoctoral fellow. Nancy is a doctor in sociology from the University of Oxford, St Antony’s College (UK), and a human rights lawyer with an LLM in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex (UK) and an MPhil and an LLB/JD from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). She is also a Visiting Fellow at McGill University’s Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, and a former Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculté de science politique et de droit at the UQAM.
Nancy’s community-based action-research programme is dedicated to the impact (or not) on corporate practice by Indigenous women-led mobilizations defending their ancestral territories from abuses committed in connection to mega-projects in Latin America and Canada. She develops an intersectional, decolonial and transnational research program that places Indigenous women at the centre. Thus, she acknowledges their victimization but goes beyond it to learn about their agency, leadership, legal mobilization, their processes of resistance and resurgence, and impact.
From Nancy’s investigation emerges the “braided action” theoretical framework, which she has shared widely with Indigenous women leaders, their organizations and supporters, and at academic conferences and university lectures for graduate and undergraduates of diverse disciplines. Part of her findings are now published in several peer-reviewed articles, magazines and book chapters, and she is currently focusing on publishing her doctoral and postdoctoral work in a book. In March 2023, Nancy received the Best Human Rights Dissertation Award from the International Studies Association (ISA) for her Ph.D. thesis: “Indigenous Women Leading the Defense of Human Rights from the Abuses by Mega-Projects in Latin America, in the Face of Extreme Violence” (2020).
Nancy’s research comes out of over a decade of experience working with and for neglected communities and human rights defenders at risk in Latin America and several previous years working in Colombia on gender, human rights and armed conflict. Among others, Nancy is a former regional researcher on the situation of human rights defenders in the Americas with the International Secretariat of Amnesty International (London, UK), a former law assistant professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia), and has consulted for the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and several international non-governmental organizations, such as OXFAM, CEJIL and PBI.
Her publications can be accessed here (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nancy-Tapias-Torrado-2), and include the following:
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘The Violent Rollback of Indigenous and Environmental Rights: The Emblematic Case of Lenca Leader Berta Cáceres in Honduras’ in Simón Escoffier, Leigh Payne and Julia Zulver (eds.), The Right Against Rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023). https://bit.ly/3X20MxV.
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘Postface’ in Nina Lakhani, Qui a tué Berta Cáceres ? (Les éditions de la rue Dorion, 2023). https://ruedorion.ca/qui-a-tue-berta-caceres/
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘Overcoming silencing practices: Indigenous women defending human rights from the abuses committed in connection to mega-projects in the Americas – a case in Colombia’ (2022) Business and Human Rights Journal – Gender Special Issue (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). https://bit.ly/3MeOe01.
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘Acción trenzada. Indigenous women leading the defense of human rights from abuses related to mega-projects: impacting corporate behaviour - overcoming silencing practices’ (2022) Quebec Journal of International Law – ‘Opening to the Americas’ Special Issue (Montreal: Société Québécoise de Droit International - SQDI). https://bit.ly/3Ai3iG9.
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘De la victimización a la acción trenzada: la alarmante situación de quienes lideran la defensa de los derechos humanos en Colombia’ (2020) Revista Cien Días Edición Especial No. 100 (Bogotá: CINEP). https://bit.ly/3tKb8GI
Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, ‘Mujeres indígenas liderando la defensa de los derechos humanos frente a los abusos cometidos en el contexto de megaproyectos en América Latina: Una aproximación desde la acción, que trasciende la victimización’ (2019) 50:4 LASA-Forum 6–11. [1 Nov. 2019] https://bit.ly/3yR3BHT