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Proposal for including English-speaking Quebecers in Equal Access Employment Programs (EAEP)

Recorded at a QUESCREN Lunch & Learn webinar on December 12, 2024


Equal Access Employment Programs (EAEP) were implemented to ensure equal employment opportunities for underrepresented groups within the Quebec’s public sector.

Richard Bourhis examined one such program administered by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, and discusses whether Quebec’s anglophone population should be considered an equity-deserving group and thus eligible for this program.

Key Takeaways

  • There is a significant disparity between the percentage of Anglophones in the Quebec population and their representation in the public service. For example, only 1% of Quebec public servants are Anglophones, even though mother tongue English-speakers represent 10% of the Quebec population.
  • Anglophones have a higher unemployment rate than Francophones in all 17 administrative regions of Quebec and higher poverty rate than Francophones in 16 of the 17 these regions.
  • According to a Canada-wide survey, linguistic discrimination emerged as the most common form of discrimination reported by Quebecers. In Quebec, a higher proportion of Anglophones (25%) than Francophones (7%) said they were victims of language discrimination, most of which was experienced in the field of employment.

Strategic Implications

Dr. Bourhis recommends that the Quebec government consider including English-speaking Quebecers as a target group of its Equal Access Employment Programs (EAEP).

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About the Speaker

Richard Bourhis has taught Psychology at McMaster University in Ontario and at UQAM, where he is Emeritus Professor. He published extensively on discrimination and intergroup relations, language policies, cross-cultural communication, immigration and acculturation. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and was awarded the Gold Medal Award of the Canadian Psychological Society. 

Richard is a QUESCREN researcher-member.

How to cite this video: Bourhis, Richard. “Proposal for including English-speaking Quebecers in Equal Access Employment Programs" Lunch & Learn webinar produced by the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), Concordia University, Montreal, December 12, 2024.

Terms of Use: This Lunch & Learn recording is made available to the public under the terms of Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.

  • The material can be copied and distributed in its original form only and for non-commercial purposes.
  • Users must give appropriate credit to the creator(s) of the material and link to the original source.

About QUESCREN Lunch & Learns

QUESCREN is a collaborative network of researchers, community members and institutions that provides opportunities to promote the understanding and vitality of English-speaking Quebec. Our Lunch & Learn series consists of one-hour webinars on research topics related to English-speaking Quebec.

This event was made possible through the financial support of the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaiseQUESCREN also received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and Concordia University.

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