Enseignante ou enseignant à temps partiel (Responsible AI) English
Dernière mise à jour : 26 novembre 2024, 16h51
Titre du cours: Responsible AI
Code du course: CEAI 1002
Date de publication: 2024-11-07
Date butoir de soumission des demandes: 2024-11-29
Format: à distance (30 heures)
Langue d’enseignement: Anglais
Session: Hiver 2025
Dates de la session: Du 16 janvier 2025 au 20 mars 2025
Jour: Jeudis
Plage horaire: De 18 h à 21 h 00
Description du poste
Formation continue Concordia offre à des experts techniques des postes à temps partiel d’enseignement de cours et de programmes de courte durée. Les tâches d’enseignement englobent la préparation du cours et l’élaboration du plan de cours, la prestation du cours, l’évaluation des étudiants, l’établissement des notes et la remise des résultats. Les enseignants assistent aux réunions du département et suivent des séances de perfectionnement professionnel se rapportant au programme enseigné.
Description du cours et objectifs d’apprentissage
In this course, students will be learning to understand the negative effects AI can have on society in the form of unfair outcomes, privacy intrusions, and more. Therefore, it’s imperative that students understand how to deploy AI systems that are ethical, safe and inclusive.
This course will teach students how to identify ethical issues in AI systems, create and execute roadmaps, and engage with relevant multidisciplinary stakeholders to address those issues. Our action-oriented approach is designed to offer students practical advice and the confidence to implement ethical and responsible changes to their AI systems.
To help develop students’ skills in responsible AI, this course reference publicly discussed cases involving unethical behaviour. It also touches on AI systems students are likely to interact with every day where ethical issues exist. In addition to learning the basics of responsible AI, this course will help students become a more informed citizen in an AI-driven world by working on real deliverables.
By the end of this course, the students will be able to:
- Identify potential ethical issues that might arise in the design, development, and deployment of AI systems
- Create roadmaps to minimize negative societal impacts and maximize humane outcomes from AI systems
- Assemble the most relevant internal and external stakeholders to address potential ethical issues
- Engage a team of multidisciplinary domain experts to gather feedback on ethical issues
- Execute ethical issues addressal roadmap while meeting business and functional requirements of the project
Qualifications et atouts
- Education: BS/MS Major: Computer Science or equivalent with a preference given to specialization in AI
- Industry experience: 5+ years relevant work experience in assessing AI systems for ethical concerns, managing multidisciplinary team (social sciences and technical backgrounds) to deliver engineering and organizational solutions for ethical concerns
- Teaching experience: 3+ years of experience delivering training material, workshops, lectures, or classroom teaching
- Experience: Hands-on knowledge of applied ethics, machine learning, deep learning, and systems engineering
Présentation des candidatures
Envoyez un curriculum vitæ détaillé à Formation continue Concordia, à l’attention de Ms. Michele Wu (michele.wu@concordia.ca), avec une lettre de présentation précisant le titre du cours. Les dossiers de candidature soumis par voie électronique doivent nous parvenir avant la date butoir de soumission. Cela dit, ils seront examinés jusqu’à ce que le poste soit pourvu. L’Université communiquera uniquement avec les personnes présélectionnées.
Concordia s’attache à favoriser l’inclusion ainsi que l’ouverture à des personnes de divers horizons et parcours, et ce, afin d’enrichir l’apprentissage, de faire progresser la recherche, d’inspirer la créativité et d’améliorer la productivité. Nous envisageons la diversité au sens large pour y inclure les bagages tant ethniques que socioculturels de même que la diversité des perspectives, des idéologies et des traditions.
Dans le cadre de cet engagement à offrir à nos étudiantes et étudiants le milieu d’apprentissage dynamique, innovant et inclusif d’une université nouvelle génération, nous demandons aux candidates et candidats d’indiquer dans leur lettre de présentation comment leur parcours, leur expérience vécue, leur cheminement professionnel et leur expertise les ont préparés à mener des recherches innovantes et à offrir un enseignement pertinent pour une société canadienne diversifiée, multiculturelle et contemporaine.
Mesures d’adaptation
Les candidates et candidats qui auront besoin de mesures d’adaptation durant n’importe quelle phase du processus de recrutement peuvent communiquer, en toute confidentialité, avec Anna Barrafato, Responsable du changement en matière : anna.barrafato@concordia.ca ou 514-848-2424 poste 3511.
Concordia Continuing Education (CCE) is an integral part of Concordia University. It enhances the general mission of the University by delivering a wide range of innovative professional development courses, bootcamps, programs, customized trainings and workshops that provide a unique and challenging experience. CCE is an opportunity hub that specializes in professional, personal and organizational growth. It offers distinctive learning opportunities in response to professional and organizational growth needs as well as strategic development needs. Whether it is to acquire new skills, surpass objectives or simply to discover and explore, we provide learning that works.
Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, on the traditional lands and waters of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation, is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.
Building on the skills of our faculty and the strengths of Indigenous, local, and global partnerships, we set our sights further and more broadly than others and align the quality of learning opportunities to larger trends and substantial challenges facing society.
“Concordia is a young, forward-looking university. It’s a unique place where experimentation, innovation and creativity are truly valued. Our community of students, faculty, staff and alumni all contribute to our momentum as Canada’s next-gen university.” — Concordia President Graham Carr.
Profoundly global, Concordia is North America’s top university under the age of 50 and is recognized for attracting some of the most talented faculty and students from around the world. Driven by ambition, innovation and a commitment to reconciliation, research and community engagement, Concordia is celebrated for advancing transformative learning, convergent thinking and public impact.
Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, is exceptional; safe, vibrant and diverse, with new things to discover around every corner. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather and conduct our activities. With a population of 1.7 million, Tiohtià:ke/Montreal is home to four major universities and several clinical research centres and has been named the best student city in the world. It offers the most affordable tuition in Canada.
The city enjoys a thriving multicultural scene. Bilingualism is a part of Montreal’s tradition and adds to its inspiring atmosphere. While supporting a significant anglophone population, it is the one of the largest French-speaking cities in the world.
Montreal is famed for its innovative culinary scene and festivals. It was also the first metropolis to be designated a UNESCO City of Design by the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity.
The city is recognized globally as an important centre for commerce, aerospace, transport, finance, pharmaceuticals, technology, design, gaming and film.
Territorial Acknowledgement
Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather today. Tiohtià:ke/Montreal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.
Employment Equity
Concordia University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, 2SLGBTQI+ persons, and persons with disabilities; candidates are invited to self-identify in their applications.