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Three Art History Students Receive Internship Award

April 10, 2023

Three Art History students are recipients of the Summer 2023 Elspeth McConnell Fine Arts Internship Award

MA student Kessie Theliar-Charles will work at the Centre international de documentation et d'information haitienne, caribéenne et afro-canadienne (CIDIHCA) where she will archive artistic documents. The goal of this project is to regroup, identify and classify documents related to visual arts in their current collection, and utlimately, create an archive on afro-descending visual artists in Montreal. 

Elizabeth Robinson, who is also pursuing her MA, will be interning at Raison d'art. The project consists of curating a virtual exhibition for their PortraitX app, a teaching tool that is the central feature of Raison d'art’s sexual health education program for Canadian high-school students. PortraitX uses art to educate youth about gender stereotypes and their effect on the self and relationships. The virtual exhibition will be composed of portraits by Canadian artists that express identity through engaging representations of gender/ race/sexuality and include an interactive educational component. 

BFA major in Art History and Studio Arts Shelby Kersey will complete her internship at the contemporary art centre Dazibao. Over the summer, Shelby will develop skills specific to the artist-run cultural sector, such as contributing to maintaing exhibition spaces, conducting research for upcoming projects and act as a mediator for visitors.

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