16 easy ways to get connected

So, you’re equipped with an array of wireless-enabled gadgets but you’re still wondering how to get on the internet at school. Or you’re juggling the busy life of a student and you’re trying to figure out how to make your technology work best for you.
Luckily, Concordia’s Instructional and Information Technology Services (IITS) has your back: they’ve made it their mission to answer your most vital tech needs.
And once you’re online, the university has many services available to help you make that important deadline, choose a student group or stay informed during any emergency on campus.
It’s time to get started! Here’s how.
1. The Concordia app — now at your fingertips
Students have a great tool at their disposal to access timely and useful information. The Concordia app, designed to enhance your university experience, is available for download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Consult your class schedules, grades and connect to your advisor. Access your account balance and Moodle. Consult campus maps, track the shuttle bus and stay in the loop with important dates. Plus much more...
Download the Concordia app and keep Concordia at your fingertips 24/7!
2. Concordia’s Wi-Fi
The Sir George Williams and Loyola campuses play host to over 1,800 Wi-Fi access points, which are open to all currently registered students. All you need is your netname to access the Wi-Fi network.
Though access is easy, please keep in mind that you need to share the network with others. Do not set up your own wireless hotspot or router because doing so creates connectivity issues for those around you. Be a good Wi-Fi citizen and let everyone get the connection they need.
Here’s more information about Concordia’s Wi-Fi network.
3. Your Student Hub is a one-stop shop
Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate or continuing education student, a good place to start your academic journey at Concordia is the online Student Hub. Sign in using your netname and password. (Learn more about what to do if you’ve forgotten your password or want to reset it.)
Consult class schedules, find job opportunities, manage money, look up events, join clubs or explore recreational sports. Stay on top of the latest news and see all the services you can take advantage of as a Concordia student.
Click on “Get to know your Student Information System (SIS)” for dozens of how-to guides on performing key tasks in My Student Centre — your self-service dashboard for managing everything from registering for classes, checking your grades, paying fees and more.
My CU Account is where you'll find secure access to My Student Centre and other resources.
Hot tip: at the bottom of the Student Hub’s main page are seven buttons that allow you to easily access the Concordia app, the Moodle platform, your student webmail account, the Student Success Centre, class schedules, Office 365 and a Concordia student Powerpoint template.
4. Office 365: a “suite” deal
Office 365 is a collection of services that allows you to collaborate and share your school work. Through Concordia’s Microsoft campus agreement, it’s available for free to students who are actively attending the university.
The service includes Office Online (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote), a terabyte (1TB) of OneDrive storage, Yammer and SharePoint sites. Concordia also allows students to install the full Office suite on up to five PCs or Macs for free. You'll see the Install Office button on your Office 365 homepage after you complete sign-up.
To begin, you’ll need to activate your student email account. This link can also be found in My CU Account.
5. IT Service Catalogue: tech info at your fingertips
Not sure of the IT services available to you or how to get them? The IT Service Catalogue will set you in the right direction and help you get started.
6. Your courses are now online: Moodle
Yes, your classes are happening in the classroom — but they’re also on the internet.
Depending on the program, your professors may use Moodle to post weekly course materials, including quizzes, readings and the like. They may also set up discussion forums, making it easy to keep the conversation going once class is done for the day.
You can find out which of your courses have accompanying websites in the Student Hub, under My Courses: Moodle. Moodle can now also be accessed on any mobile device through the responsive site: moodle.concordia.ca.
7. Register online for your Opus card
To be entitled to pay reduced-fare public transit (a 40-per cent savings), you need to obtain a registered OPUS photo ID card. You can order yours online and it will be sent to you by mail. It’s fast and easy, with no waiting in line.
8. Online shopping at Concordia
Buying your books and restocking your school and office supplies just got a little easier. Concordia Stores has an eCommerce site to simplify your purchases. It allows you to order books online, reload your DPrint card, subscribe to Le Gym and much more.
Here's a full list of eCommerce services.
9. PC and Mac computer labs, available around the corner
Let’s say you don’t have your own computer right now. That’s no problem: Concordia offers both PC and Mac labs to registered students. Click under Documentation on the IITS Computer and media labs page for a list of locations, hours and available equipment.
10. Plug into enhanced classroom technology
More than 30 classrooms have had technology upgrades this summer, resulting in improved sound systems, more whiteboards and bigger screens with better resolution and positioning. Upgraded rooms also include a variety of aesthetic improvements — including paint, blinds and furniture, depending on the needs for each classroom — courtesy of Facilities Management.
In certain classes you may be asked to acquire an i>Clicker device, part of the i>Clicker Student Response System for in-class quizzes. It allows lecturers to “read the room,” and instantly gauge the level of comprehension about a particular topic. The system consists of a receiver (known as an i>clicker base), a software package, handheld student input devices (known as student remotes), and an instructor remote. This service allows professors to borrow an i>clicker teacher’s kit (containing a base and an instructor remote) and to receive troubleshooting and how-to support for these kits or their own devices.
11. Get Rave Guardian and customize your notifications
Sometimes the university needs to tell you about something you’re not actively looking for, like a cancelled class or a timely announcement. Download the Rave Guardian app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and never miss one of these important memos.
The university can text message you when one of your classes has been cancelled or your grades have been posted — before you even get out of bed in the morning. The same goes if you need to know your class schedule or account balance. Accessing these services is easy. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your notifications via the SIS.
12. Ask a Librarian
Need research support for an assignment? Yes, you can approach the reference desk or book an appointment with a subject librarian. But Concordia’s popular Ask a Librarian service also allows students to seek help and instruction from a librarian by email or telephone, or via an online chat service.
Hot tip: the library also has more than 260 laptops and tablets available for short-term loan at no charge.
13. Your NOW student newsletter
Once you have your Concordia email address set up, you’ll start receiving the university’s NOW newsletter for students. It's a must-read for every student, chock full of info about upcoming campus events; student support (funding, services, networks, study spaces and other resources); exciting research initiatives; classroom innovations and suggestions for how to get involved in university life. Do you have something newsworthy to report? You can also submit your own story ideas to now@concordia.ca.
14. Staying in touch via social media
Concordia’s social media channels are another way to find out what’s going on around campus. Be sure to follow the official Concordia accounts as well as the Student Success Centre’s Facebook page.
The Concordia Student Experience Facebook and Instagram accounts cover health and wellness, academic support, and financial aid and awards.
Check out Concordia Social to see the full list of official accounts, along with guidelines and best practices about social media. Many individual departments, faculties, student associations and clubs have their own Facebook pages where you can find out about upcoming events. Members of the Concordia Student Union and journalists from the university’s two student newspapers, The Link and The Concordian, are also very active on social media.
Facebook tip: To ensure you’re seeing all the Concordia-related news and updates from the accounts you follow, visit their respective Facebook pages, click the "Like" button and under "Following", change the setting from "Default" to "See First."
15. IT security incidents
Although we hope it never happens, IT security incidents are a fact of everyday life. In the event that your laptop is stolen or lost, or your personal information is compromised on campus, you can contact the security department by completing an incident report online. In the unfortunate case of an incident, you will also have to file a report with your insurer and the SPVM (Montreal police).
Still having trouble getting connected? IITS can help
Contact the Service Desk for any IT-related issues by email (help@concordia.ca), by phone (514-848-2424, ext. 7613) or by submitting a support request.
You can also stop by the Sir George Williams Campus service centres in room H-421 of the Henry F. Hall Building and room MB-S2.145 in the John Molson Building, or room CC-207 in the Central Building at Loyola Campus. Consult each location for operating hours.