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Interview with GradProSkills Ambassador - Omar Lucas

August 23, 2018
By GradProSkills

Omar standing by a lake

This week we sat down with Omar Lucas who is pursuing a Master of Applied Science in Quality Systems Engineering, researching the application of data science to the public transportation sector. Omar has spent a lot of time as a Concordia Graduate involved with GradProSkills, having been a volunteer through our Ambassador Program since Fall 2017. During his time as a GradProSkills Ambassador, Omar set the record of participation by attending a total of 27 workshops across the 8 skills domains that we offer. In this interview, Omar highlights his experience as an Ambassador, explains the benefits of getting involved with GradProSkills, touches on the workshops we offer, and discusses tips for incoming graduate students.


Getting Involved with GradProSkills

What motivated you to first attend GradProSkills workshops?
Omar: As an international student, I discovered that the educational system in Canada encourages a more self-teaching approach to student learning through theoretical methodology. This period of adjustment to the challenges of a new environment and a foreign language led me to want to find a way to balance my social life and professional development, along with my schooling. I quickly realized that such an immersion required effort, which led to my interest in the GradProSkills workshops. I registered in many of the workshops that seemed beneficial for my academic, professional and personal development to help orient me as a new graduate at Concordia. I seized this opportunity to meet new people from different graduate programs, and began my work on developing both soft and hard skills that GradProSkills has helped me strengthen along the way.

Part of my intentions for actively pursuing GradProSkills workshops was to learn techniques for resume writing, public speaking, and skill-development that are applied in the context of a Canadian professional environment. The rules of these topics can vary internationally by country, and I thank GradProSkills for helping me feel more knowledgeable and prepared as I continue my studies in graduate school. I now feel more confident about entering the professional market after graduation.

What is the most memorable GradProSkills workshop(s) you attended?
Omar: When first starting at Concordia, I felt so disoriented with the campus and student services. I didn’t even know what I was looking for, or where to start! The GradProSkills Base Camp and the International Student Orientation were my first approaches to graduate life. I recommend attending these events, as they helped me gain familiarity with Concordia facilities and personnel. They were the first instances where I started to feel a sense of belonging while still adapting to this new stage of my life in Canada.

All workshops have an intended message for different areas of student learning and development. Other memorable workshops I attended were the series of Public Speaking sessions, which fall under the GradProSkills Communication skills domain. Learning through a hands-on approach can sometimes be stressful because it pushes people out of their comfort zone. From these workshops, I learned to feel more confident when speaking in front of an audience, and this valuable training developed into a transferrable skill I could use in other areas of my graduate experience.

Volunteering as a GradProSkills Ambassador

What has your experience been volunteering as an Ambassador?
Omar: I first found out about the Ambassador Program in the GradProSkills newsletter, offering the opportunity to volunteer with them. This was a way for me to get involved with the department in a larger capacity than only attending workshops, allowing me to give back to GradProSkills for all the knowledge they provided me through their workshops. My most memorable experience as an Ambassador was during the last annually held international Three Minute Thesis and Project Competition. I felt motivated being part of the staff and networking with other inspiring graduate students in diverse fields of research.

What are some benefits of volunteering as an Ambassador?
Omar: Among the Concordia community, GradProSkills is a positive and respected asset of the university. They provide spaces where students, like myself, can meet people who are motivated, and doing research and working in their respective disciplines. A main benefit of volunteering as an Ambassador is gaining a greater level of collaboration with like-minded peers at the graduate level.

Recommendations for New Graduate Students

What tips can you give to new graduate students?
Omar: The best thing you can do to seize your graduate experience, your life in Montreal, or life in general, is to get involved and put yourself out there:

  • Don’t be afraid to meet new people with differing interests and expand your network to gain diverse perspectives. Your network is key to achieving the success you want.
  • Attend workshops, conferences, events and training sessions available at Concordia to strengthen valuable skills and develop skillsets that are transferable across professional, academic and personal areas.
  • Make study groups with individuals who motivate each other and encourage collaboration and peer learning.
  • If needed, take classes to improve your English or French to gain confidence living in the French-Canadian province of Quebec.
  • Don’t worry about feeling disoriented if you have a clear goal in your mind and a personal vision for achieving academic and professional success. You must know yourself and detect your weaknesses, and work on them gradually to improve as a graduate student.
  • Dare to take on new experiences. Attend workshops out of your usual skillset/domain of studies, go to networking events and try to get the best university experience during this phase of your academic career.

Follow Omar's Lead

Other benefits of becoming an Ambassador include gaining valuable community service experience and developing effective communication, social media expertise, networking, public speaking and leadership skills that help build a competitive edge on your CV. Additionally, Ambassador’s gain official recognition for their work, receiving a letter of acknowledgement from the Dean of Graduate Studies upon completing a minimum of 15 hours of service during the academic year.

We noted that out of the 8 skills domains Omar has explored, one third of the workshops he has attended fall within the category of Success in Graduate School. This skill domain offers help with conducting research, funding, managing relationships, personal effectiveness and informs you about your rights and responsibilities. Register today for the next session of Graduate School Base Camp coming up on August 31st. Take the advice of GradProSkills Ambassador Omar Lucas and seize your graduate experience!

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