When it comes to combating systemic racism in society,
Concordia needs to lead by example.
Following the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement in response to police violence and persistent inequities impacting Black communities, Concordia University committed to the work of addressing race-related issues among its members and in its institutional fabric. The creation of the President’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism is a testament to that commitment.
Implementation of the recommendations
The President’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism completed its work in October 2022 with the publication of its final report. An implementation team is now responsible for overseeing the adoption of the report’s recommendations.
Angélique Willkie
The Task Force’s mandate was to oversee a broad spectrum of efforts to combat anti-Black racism across Concordia.
The Task Force’s mandate was to oversee and coordinate the work needed to generate recommendations that are anchored in the experiences of Black faculty, staff, and students and that address systemic anti-Black racism as it occurs across the university — in employment, policies, teaching and learning practices, etc.
The leadership committee consisted of a steering committee, undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, union representatives, a representative of the Caucus of Black Concordians and the heads of the six subcommittees.
In order to address the multiple facets of racism experienced by Black members of the Concordia community, the Task Force identified six subcommittees that explored and made recommendations on specific issues.

November 30, 2020: The task force finalized the subcommittees’ membership, defined their terms of reference and presented a workplan to the interim provost.
June 2021: Concordia’s provost received a progress report on the work of the subcommittees that identifies immediate action items.
Fall 2021: Concordia’s provost received the task force’s preliminary recommendations resulting from the progress report that was submitted in June.
June 2022: Concordia’s president received a comprehensive set of recommendations and an action plan to combat anti-Black racism at Concordia.
October 2022: Concordia released its final report of the President’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism.
The university also shared a historic apology for its mishandling of race-based student complaints and the subsequent outcomes of the 1969 Sir George Williams University student protest.