Françoise Naudillon
Professor and Chair, Département d'études françaises, Faculty of Fine Arts
Françoise Naudillon is Chair of French Studies department and a specialist of francophone literature and culture. She joined Concordia university in 2000. She is working on Caribbean and African popular culture such as detective novels, science-fiction, links between films and literature and more recently on Afrofuturism. Courses she teaches have, for most of them, a strong black perspectives component. Joining the President's Task Force on Anti-Black Racism was a logical choice informed by her 20 years experience in implementing diversity of global knowledge on Black francophone communities in the world with an anti-racist framework. With the other members on the Curriculum subcommittee, she is working on educational tools integrating Black perspectives into existing curriculum across the university and analyzing Black Studies major and minor programs in other Canadian universities to recommend the best options for Concordia.