Faculty of Fine Arts
In 2021, the Faculty of Fine Arts embarked on a consultative strategic planning exercise that enabled us to ask ourselves where we can distinguish ourselves and how we can take concrete, measurable actions to continue to be innovative, relevant, and impactful in the future. The resulting framework, launched in Fall 2022, helps us plan for our future, seize opportunities, and navigate change together. Download the plan.

- To prioritize equity practices in how we build community, support students, faculty and staff, and improve diversity and accessibility
- To engage with diverse perspectives and with the Indigenous Directions Action Plan to shape our processes and curriculum
- To mobilize expertise across the Faculty in sustainable and collaborative practices for how we create, study and work
- To improve our capacity to be agile, embrace renewal and lighten administrative burden where possible, in order to focus on our mission
- To serve our community by building a culture of reciprocity, accountability, rigor and excellence
We value rigor in experimentation, eagerness to learn and the willingness to challenge established knowledges and practices
We are driven to create and innovate as a means to know ourselves and to contribute to society
We believe in supporting, recognising and being accountable to one another and embrace sharing knowledge and resources
We are committed to grounding our actions in compassion, fairness and respect for individuals communities and the environment
- Enhance student and alumni experience
- Upgrade our spaces and equipment, and optimize their usage
- Enrich teaching and learning
- Improve communication and consultation
- Cultivate strong and sustainable partnerships
- Create a better, more resilient work environment
- Create and innovate in bold new ways
Fall 2022
Action 1: Strategic plan launch, presentation to FoFA community (starting with Deans & Chairs and Faculty Council)
Outcome: Information, connecting outcomes to process, calls to action
Action 2: Invitation to all FoFA units (departments, research units, CDA, CTLs, VCR, FoFA Gallery, etc.) to develop action plans
Outcome: Leverage and implementation
Action: Review of goals, actions and progress indicators or benchmarks
Outcome: Calibration and accountability
Released Fall 2023 Action Plan Report for 2022-2023
Released Fall 2024 Action Plan Report for 2023-2024