The Faculty of Fine Arts can't imagine its spatial future without you!
As part of Concordia's 10-year space planning exercise, the Faculty of Fine Arts hosted three IdeaLabs sessions in the Fall term exploring new ways to defy conventional notions of space. The first hour of each session features six to eight speakers. During the second hour participants break into groups to discuss ideas.
1. Experimental Pedagogy
October 23rd 4:00-6:00 pm, MB 7.265
Moderator: Dave LeRue
Erin Manning, Linda Swanson, Janina V. Anderson, Eldad Tsabary, Bettina Forget, Silvy Panet-Raymond, Christine Beckett
2. Research Creation
November 5th 4:00-6:00 pm , VA 313
Moderator: Eduardo Della Foresta
Emilie St. Hilaire, Theo Chauvirey (Biodesign), Joanna Berzowska, Jessica Carmichael, Angelique Willkie, Dave LeRue, Kathleen Vaughan, Florence Figols
3. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)
November 15th 4:00-6:00 pm , 4th Space
Moderator: Sarah Givens
Sarah Givens, Douglas Moffat, Janis Timm Bottos, Kelly Jazvac, Ursula Neuerburg-Denzer, Mitch Mitchell, Jules Beauchamp-Desbiens, Cristian Zaelzer