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Books and contributions to books

  1. Tamura, Y. and Yoshie, R. (eds) (2016) “Advanced Environmental Wind Engineering”, Springer Japan (two chapters).
  2. Ladas, D., Vasan, N. and Stathopoulos, T. (2015) “Architecture of Building Roofs to Maximize Energy Savings: The Role of Wind”, in Toit Urbain, Les Presses de l’ Université Laval, pp. 231-251, Quebec, Canada, June.
  3. Tamura, Y. and Kareem, A. (eds) (2013) “Advanced Structural Wind Engineering”, Springer Japan. Japan Association for Wind Engineering Award in recognition of outstanding publication.
  4. Stathopoulos, T., et al., (2012) “Wind Issues in the Design of Buildings”, prepared by the Structural Wind Engineering Committee of the Technical Council of Wind Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA.
  5. Stathopoulos, T., et al., (2011) “Urban Aerodynamics: Wind Engineering for Urban Planners and Designers”, prepared by a Task Committee on Urban Aerodynamics, Environmental Wind Engineering Committee, ASCE, Reston, VA.
  6. Baniotopoulos, C., Borri, C. and Stathopoulos, T. (eds) (2011) “Environmental Wind Engineering and Design of Wind Energy Structures”, CISM Courses and Lectures, Vol. 531, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, SpringerWien New York.
  7. Stathopoulos, T., Zisis, I., Talon, A., Muzeau, J.-P., Coelho, C., Carlier, J.-P. and Wolinski, S. (2010) “1.4 Actions Due to Natural Catastrophes”, Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events”, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  8. Vamvatsikos, D., Nigro, E., Kouris, L. A., Panagopoulos, G., Kappos, A. J., Rossetto, T., Lloyd, T. O. and Stathopoulos, T. (2010) “3.4 Performance Assessment under Multiple Hazards”, Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events”, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  9. Stathopoulos, T. and Baniotopoulos, C.C. (eds) (2007) “Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures”, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 493, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, SpringerWien New York.
  10. Baniotopoulos, L, Bikas, D., Tsikaloudaki, K., Chatzinikos, K, and Stathopoulos, T. (2007) “Improving the Quality of Existing Building Envelopes; State-of-the-Art: Greece”, COST C16, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 2, IOS Press BV, The Netherlands.
  11. Bikas, D., Baniotopoulos, C. and Stathopoulos, T. (2007) “General Overview of the Problems, Needs and Solutions in the Greek Urban Building Envelopes”, COST C16, Improving the Quality of Existing Building Envelopes: Needs, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 3, IOS Press BV, The Netherlands.
  12. Stathopoulos, T. (2006) “Introduction to Wind Technology”, Lecture Series 2006-02, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, B-1640 Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium.
  13. Lazure, L., Stathopoulos, T. and Saathoff, P. (2005) “Qualité de l’air des edifices: L’influence de la hauteur et de l’emplacement des cheminées”, Prevention au travail, publié par la CSST et l’IRSST, Volume 18, no. 3.
  14. Stathopoulos, T., (2005) “Wind-induced Dispersion of Pollutants from Building Exhaust”, Wind Effects Bulletin, Vol. 3, February, Invited Article.
  15. Stathopoulos, T., et al., (2004) “Outdoor Human Comfort and its Assessment”, prepared by a Task Committee of the Aerodynamics Committee, Aerospace Division, ASCE, Reston, VA.
  16. Stathopoulos, T., (2004) “Wind on Low-Rise Buildings”, Wind Engineering, Commemorative Volume, Indian Society for Wind Engineering & Dept. of Applied Mechanics, VNIT, Nagpur, India.
  17. Stathopoulos, T., (2000) "Wind Loads on Low Buildings – Progress in the State-of-the-Art", Wind Safety and Performance of Wood Buildings, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI, USA.
  18. Stathopoulos, T., et al., (1999) "Manual of Practice for Wind Tunnel Studies of Buildings and Structures", prepared by a Task Committee of the Aerodynamics Committee, Aerospace Division, ASCE, Reston, VA.
  19. Stathopoulos, T.,  (1995) "Evaluation of Wind Loads on Low Buildings: A Brief Historical Review", State-of-the-Art Volume on Wind Engineering, Elsevier Science Inc.
  20. Stathopoulos, T.,  (1987) "Wind Loads on Low Buildings", Wind Loading and Wind-Induced Structural Response, State-of-the-art report prepared by the Committee on Wind Effects, ASCE.
  21. Stathopoulos, T.,  (1987)  "Adverse Wind Loads on Low Buildings", Civil Engineering Practice, Structures, Technomic Pub. Co. Inc, Vol. 1.

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Building Aerodynamics / Wind Tunnel Lab
514-848-2424, ext.  3211


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