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Department Management

As an innovative and dynamic department, ECE has a professional, dedicated and enthusiastic administrative team.




Department  Chair Dr. Yousef R. Shayan S-EV5.163 3142
Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Anjali Agarwal S-EV5.157 3090
Associate Chair of Graduate Studies Dr. Wei-Ping Zhu S-EV15.179 4082
Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Sébastien Le Beux S-EV5.235 3004
Director of Research Dr. Hassan Rivaz S-EV15.185 8741
Department Administrator Tatyana Bobrova S-EV5.143 4493
Engineer in Residence Dmitry Rozhdestvenskiy S-H851.02 3106
Assistant to the Chair Kristin Tedd S-EV5.165 3104
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