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A.S.M. Sowad:
My inspiration

A person in a blue shirt and white pants is running out of a door formed by a muscular arm and a barred gate, set against a red background. A man is trying to escape from the cage of traditional masculine expectations. Credit: Nathalie Lees.

How do different groups of Bangladeshi transnational migrant men in Canada conceptualize masculinities while negotiating the sociocultural differences among normative Bangladeshi culture, Bangladeshi diasporic culture in Canada and normative Canadian culture?

The inspiration for my research on migrant men's evolving gender roles in Canada came from their untold stories. The lack of research on this topic in a country with a significant migrant population fueled my desire to explore this gap. Specifically, imagining the struggles of Bangladeshi men adapting to new roles and expectations, especially after being seen as the provider back home, further sparked my curiosity.

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