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Rana Ali Adeeb:
My inspiration

A large smartphone displays a woman holding a megaphone with the speech bubble 'LIE' adjacent to her. Surrounding are heart icons and speech bubbles including 'FAKE' and 'REPOST'.

People interact with the smartphone using their devices, with one person appearing shocked while others remain unaffected. Credit:

What is the impact of emotion on the perception of fake news on social media platforms?

Over the past few years, I have observed how fake news on social media platforms can have significant real-world consequences, influencing public behavior and decision-making. During elections, fake news played a role in swaying voter behavior, and during health crises, it impacted public health responses. Understanding the role that emotion plays in the belief in and intent to share fake news on social media platforms could inform the design of IT-based intervention methods such as fact checkers, which have had limited success in countering the proliferation of fake news that we are witnessing today.

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