Counselling & Psychological Services policies
You must cancel 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your appointment with us.
If you expect to be late for your appointment, call to let us know (ext. 3545) or email us at Otherwise, if you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment time may be given to another student
No-show policy
A no-show is an appointment which has not been cancelled by 10 a.m. one (1) working day in advance. No-shows do not allow sufficient time for unused counselling appointments to be given to students who are in need of such appointments and contribute to longer waiting times for counselling services for all students. If you fail to present at the time of a scheduled appointment, this no-show will be recorded in your file.
Three no-shows will result in the temporary suspension of counselling services. To reinstate these services you would be required to meet with the Director of Counselling and Psychological Services or a delegate to evaluate the situation.
Please note, if you have a series of personal counselling appointments held in your name and you fail to either show for one of these appointments or give the required 24-hours cancellation notice, all remaining appointments in the series will be automatically cancelled.