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Mental health support services

A number of different tools and services are available to support your mental health and wellness journey.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, find immediate support.

Mental health appointments

If you're struggling with your mental health, don’t wait to seek support. We encourage you to review all the resources within Concordia’s network of care for timely access to services.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, click here to find immediate support.

Mental Health Entry: Intake appointments for students

Mental Health Entry is your first step to accessing mental health services at Concordia. 

At an intake appointment, you will meet with a mental health professional who will assess your needs and refer you to services. 

Intake appointments are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and are available to currently enrolled Concordia students living in Quebec.

Appointments take place online or in person on the Sir George Williams Campus.

Request an intake appointment

March 24 to 31: Registration for mental health intake appointments will take place via email, while medical and mental health services transition to an electronic medical record system.

To request an intake appointment, email with the following details:

  • Legal name
  • Preferred name (optional)
  • Student ID number
  • Phone number (must be a North American phone number)
  • Home address
  • Emergency contact (name, phone number and relationship)
  • Availability (appointments take place Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

The mental health entry team will review your request for eligibility and will follow up with the next steps.  

There may be delays in services as the new system is implemented.

You can also consult with the tele-counselling services, which are available 24/7.

If you have already been assigned counsellor through Counselling and Psychological Servicesconnect with your counsellor directly, or email to set up an appointment.

Tele-counselling services

Tele-counselling services in Concordia's wider network of providers are free and available 24/7. These services can offer immediate short-term counselling by phone or video. Access is governed by Concordia’s health insurance plans. Tele-counselling is a great first step in addressing your mental health needs.

  • For undergraduate students enrolled in the CSU health plan
    24/7, Multi-lingual.
    To access Empower Me, create an account through Dialogue.
  • For international students
    24/7, Multi-lingual.
    Download the app to chat, or call. In Canada: 1-844-451-9700. Anywhere else in the world: 001-416-380-6578
  • For all Concordia employees, as well as their spouses and dependant children
    Employee Assistance Program
    English: Call 1-800-663-1142.  French: Call 1-866-398-9505

Services in the community

Mental health clinics in the community can provide specialized services and longer-term support. Concordia’s health insurance plans offer coverage for many services. Please contact the external clinics directly for more information including rates and wait times.

The following clinics offer sliding scale services according to income or reduced rates for students. Please consult their websites for more information about intake, wait-times, and rates.
  • Medipsy: Offers low fee service options, for example self-help programs with the assistance of a clinician, as well as psychotherapy provided by supervised interns. 


  • Y Mind Youth is a free seven-week mental wellness program for young people who are aged 18 to 30 and struggling with mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress. This free program brings young people who have similar thoughts and feelings together. Participants learn evidence-based skills from trained mental health professionals. They report feeling reduced anxiety, increased well-being and feeling less alone following the program. Open to everyone, including international students.



Lumino Health (within Canada): Find healthcare providers in your province or territory. Use of the search tool is free, but providers do charge fees for their services.

Insurance coverage for mental health services

Concordia’s health insurance plans offer coverage for mental health services. Please review your plan for more information.


Phone & text support

Mental health helplines and listening services provide short-term counseling, as well as confidential, empathetic listening with no strings or follow-up required. 

Please note that services offered at Concordia are not available when the university is closed.

Referral lines can answer questions about health or psychosocial issues, or direct you to a resource in your health and social services network.

Connect directly with professional counsellors and volunteers trained in crisis response. 

  • Crisis text line:  Text with a volunteer trained in crisis response from a secure online platform to help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment. 24/7, English, Canada and U.S.: Text HOME to 686868.

Speak to a trained peer in a non-judgmental and confidential setting. These services can help you articulate your feelings, troubleshoot a concern and can provide referrals and other resources as necessary. Peer supporters do not give advice or counselling. 


  • Peer Wellness Ambassadors: Wellness Ambassadors are Concordia students, offering active listening services and events and activities to connect. Montreal, with remote services, students only.

  • Concordia Student Nightline: Connect with listening services run by Concordia students for those in need of aid, support or just to talk. Visit their Facebook page for contact information and hours. 

Community- and identity-specific support

Connect with services that may support individual and collective identities and experiences. These resources focus on building community and addressing systemic barriers to accessing care.

To explore all available options, be sure to review our full list of services—many of which also provide specifically culturally-competent and inclusive support.

Addiction and substance use


The links below provide validated questionnaires that can help you identify if you or someone you care about may have a problem with substance misuse. If you score +, or if doing the screening raises any questions or concerns, book an appointment with a Health Services nurse, or see the resources below for support.

Comparing your behaviour to reliable guidelines can also help you assess your substance use and gambling behaviour and make decisions about what you would like to do next.

Fact sheets and self-help resources

  • Knowing Your Limits with Alcohol - A Practical Guide to Assessing Your Drinking, from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction: a printable workbook that provides tips and guidance for individuals considering changing their alcohol consumption to a lower-risk level.
  • Rethinking drinking from the National Institutes of Health: Research-based information that can help you examine your drinking habits and their effects on your health, and find ways to reduce your risks, or take steps to cut-down or quit.

Within Canada 

In Quebec

Attending meetings can provide many benefits in helping you work through substance misuse, including support from others with similar struggles and the opportunity to build healthier social networks.

Find evaluation and treatment programs for alcohol, drugs, gambling and gaming, including urgent care and detox/rehab programs.

French-language programs

English-language programs

  • Foster Addiction Rehabilitation Centre: Specialized addiction rehabilitation services aim to prevent, reduce and treat the problems related to alcohol, drugs (including prescription medications), gambling, compulsive buying, and internet use. Services are open to English-speaking Montrealers and Montérégie residents. Several points-of-service.
  • Chabad Lifeline: Offers a full range of treatment options for people struggling with substance and behavioural addictions and their family members. Services are immediate and offered at no charge to those in need.

Bilingual programs

  • Portage: Provides drug addiction rehabilitation treatment, based on the therapeutic community approach.
  • Concordia staff and faculty who are eligible for Health Benefits can access the University's Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program (employee sign-in is required on Carrefour to access contact information)

Self-help tools

Check in with yourself, with resources you can use on your own time.

These resources can help you understand yourself better and offer strategies to manage everyday mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, stress, relationship issues and substance use.

Need additional support? You can always reach out along the way. 

Please note: These resources are made available by third parties who have no relationship with Concordia. It is your sole responsibility to review and accept any terms of service and privacy policies prior to use (such as the apps and tracking tools). Concordia is not responsible for your use of third-party resources or for the actions of those who are responsible for them.

Supporting others

If you or someone else is experiencing an emergency, dial 9-1-1 or consult our resources.

Resources for everyone

  • Red Cross Psychological First Aid: This course equips learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief on others, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection.
  • AMI-Quebec: Offers free programming for people living with mental illness and those in their circle of support, including friends, family and partners. AMI-Quebec helps caregivers manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance and advocacy. 
  • Be There - A comprehensive online resource for young people to learn how to support each other through mental health struggles, created in consultation with over 1,400 people from across Canada. 
  • Conversation Starter: Information sheet to help youth support friends struggling with mental health, developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Game Changers, a program designed to help young people feel more comfortable talking about health, mental health, seeking help and supporting friends.

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