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Call for submissions

Participants in the Master of Science (MSc) and Doctoral (PhD) programs at the John Molson School of Business are invited to present their original research to the academic and business communities. The purpose of the exposition is to showcase the type and scope of research done at John Molson and to help students achieve recognition, obtain feedback, and enhance their chances of success in academia or industry.

The exposition uses a “Poster” format where excellence of research and presentation are top priority. Winners of cash prizes for “Best Posters” at each of the MSc and PhD level will be determined by independent judges representing the academic and business communities.


  • Presenters must be current students in John Molson’s research-based graduate programs or recent graduates from within the past 12 months

How to participate

  • Send an extended abstract of your research for review by the selection committee of reviewers (see Submission guidelines below)
  • All submissions are blind-reviewed by two reviewers. Selection for the Exposition is based on the quality of your research, its significance to managers or other stakeholders, and the clarity of your written expression
  • Design a poster: content and appearance must be interesting, professional, and appealing to a broad audience
  • We provide advice about how to create an engaging poster design
  • Participate on the day of the Exposition and communicate your ideas personally to judges and attendees
  • Compete for “Best poster” prizes!

Key dates

Winter 2026 dates TBD Deadline for submitting abstract
Winter 2026 dates TBD Acceptance notice issued
Winter 2026 dates TBD Exposition

Submission guidelines

Your abstract must describe the goals, method and (expected) findings of the research, as well as the relevance of the research to managers, consumers, employees or policy makers.

Abstracts should be:

  1. no longer than 600 words
  2. in Times New Roman 12 font
  3. 1.5 spaced
  4. given a title of no more than 10 words
  5. in Microsoft Word format - PDF format is not acceptable; please name the Word file "LastName_AGRE15".
  6. sent by email to

In the body of your email, please include:

  1. your abstract title (maximum 10 words)
  2. the name of your research supervisor (if any) and
  3. your department and program (e.g., Marketing, PhD)
  4. the names of other student authors (if applicable)
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