Luc Beauregard Centre of Excellence in Communications Research

Communication is the bedrock of business
Corporations communicate on a daily basis, be it with their shareholders, employees, customers or members of the general public.
The Luc Beauregard Centre of Excellence in Communications Research advances knowledge about how corporations communicate and about how they can communicate better.
The Centre supports research in communications, promotes graduate students at Concordia University, provides knowledge to the communication professionals and offers an interface between researchers and communication professionals.
2019 - 2020
- Rucsandra Moldovan, Michel Magnan and Long Bui (PhD student) from the Accountancy Department at John Molson was awarded $7,965 for their research on "Cybersecurity events, corporate disclosure and financial markets"
- Rosemary Reilly from the Applied Human Sciences Department at the Faculty of Arts and Science was awarded $7,862.50 for her research on "Visual tools as a mode of organizational communication: The impact on engagement, productivity, leadership and organizational learning"
- Amy Swiffen from the Department of Anthopology and Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Science was awarded $7,258.8 for her research on "How Administrative Decision-Making Shapes the Meaning of Charter Rights in Canada"
- Li Rong, a PhD student at the Marketing Department at John Molson, was awarded the $17,500 Doctoral Fellowship for her research on "How Market-Generated Content Shapes Online Customer Engagement: The Critical Roles of Information, Emotion, and Self-Construal"
2018 - 2019
- Lawrence Kryzanowski from John Molson's Department of Finance was awarded $8,000 for his research on "Communication skills of mutual funds: Evidence of media coverage and fund flows and performance"
- Ming Li from the Department of Economics at Concordia's Faculty of Arts and Science was awarded $8,000 for his research on "Strategic communication and group formation"
- Azadeh Babaghaderi, a PhD student in finace at John Molson, was awarded the $17,500 Doctoral Fellowship for her research on " Voluntary disclosure, sentiment analysis, and the outcome of corporate spin-offs: An examination of conference calls"
- Samara Crawford, a John Molson MBA, was granted the $1,000 MBA Course-Based Project Award for her research paper on "Environmental sustainability in business and the implications of greenwashing"
- Gunes Ekin Umucu, an MSc in Finance student at John Molson, was granted a $5,000 MSc Thesis Award for his research on "Effects of climate risks on options of food companies and climate risk pricing in option markets"
- Sam Sinz, an MSc in Management student at John Molson, was granted a $5,000 MSc Thesis Award for his research on " Informal communications among coworkers: effects on group cohesion and performance"
- Ana Conides, an MSc student in Management at John Molson, was awarded the $500 Luc Beauregard prize at the Annual Graduate Research Exposition (AGRE) for her poster on "The effects of leadership on employee attitudes, behaviors, and well-being"
Past events
August 18 2020: Trust & communications: A review of academic research
Trust refers to how an individual perceives another actor as behaving in a way that sustains their relationship through time while avoiding behaviour that focusses on their self-interest and is harmful to others. Trust is key for organizations because it plays a critical role in enhancing cooperation, reducing conflicts, and decreasing transaction costs. In this review, we discuss the academic literature on trust and how it relates to communications. More specifically, we unpack what trust means. We explain how trust is built, and we discuss the consequences of trust, which can be beneficial as well as harmful.
Jan 10 2019: Rethinking Responsibility: What are the Roles of Agents and Structures?
On December 6 and 7 2018, we welcomed researchers to our first conference on responsibility (called “Rethinking Responsibility: Agents and Structures”) at Concordia University. The researcher came from Canada, the US, Europe and Africa; they studied business, ethics, geography, labor, law, sociology and philosophy.
This Friday, the Luc Beauregard Centre of Excellence in Communications Research welcomed Professor François Brochet from Boston University who presented a study on investor relations (IR).
Oct 5 2018: Sexual harassment and how we talk about it in organizations
Today, the Luc Beauregard Centre for Excellence in Communications Research at Concordia University welcomed Professor Debbie Dougherty from the University of Missouri, who gave a fascinating talk about sexual harassment in organizations and about the role of communication in sexual harassment.