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Health & Wellness

Some recommendations

Book cover for empowered boundaries

Empowered Boundaries: Speaking Truth, Setting Boundaries, and Inspiring Social Change by Cristien Storm (2018)

Print book
Call number: BF 637 S4 S8266 2018 (Vanier Library)

Summary: An invaluable resource on boundary-setting practices for anyone looking to challenge our default social conditioning and create empowered relationships and communities. As there have been increases in violence against women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ-identified people, there has been a corresponding demand for individual and community self-defense, boundary setting, and bystander trainings that are grounded in an understanding of the complexities and intersections of power and privilege. Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are reporting that the current political moment is bringing up past trauma as well as emboldening attitudes of toxic masculinity and hetero-patriarchy, alongside an increase in incidents of violence and abuse. Boundary setting that is grounded in an understanding of gender-based oppression, violence, and liberation is necessary. Explaining power and privilege and the links between individual safety and community safety, Cristien Storm shows how to set emotional boundaries that build a better world. Storm has developed boundary setting curricula grounded in resiliency and trauma-informed theories, and the book provides skills and exercises, such as Naming the Behavior, the Broken Record, Freeze Framing, the Reflective Loop, and Trusting Intuition, as well as examples from workshop participants. Building vibrant social movements means understanding the links between individual safety and community safety. Boundary setting can be used, not just as a means for personal safety, but as form of solidarity, resistance, and inspiration for the future we keep fighting for.

Book cover for practical stress management

Practical Stress Management: A Comprehensive Workbook by John A Romas and Manoj Sharma (2017)


Summary: Practical Stress Management: A Comprehensive Workbook is a focused, personal, worksheet-based text that combines theory and principles with hands-on exercises to help readers manage the negative impact of stress in life. As a practical tool for recognizing and preventing stress, the action-oriented approach enables the student to make personal change through self-reflection and behavior change techniques. This approach allows the book to be used as a text in a course or as a self-study/reference book.

Book cover for the invisible man
The Invisible Man: A Self-help Guide for Men With Eating Disorders, Compulsive Exercise and Bigorexia by John F Morgan (2008)


Summary: Increasingly boys and men are suffering with eating disorders and related body image problems. Some have full-blown conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive exercising or bigorexia. Others are distressed by slightly lesser degrees of disordered eating or over-exercise and seek ways of overcoming their problems. The Invisible Man applies the latest research to produce a practical, problem-focused self-help manual for men with eating disorders and body image problems.

Cover of what you must think of me
What You Must Think of Me: A Firsthand Account of one Teenager's Experience with Social Anxiety Disorder by Emily Ford, Michael Liebowitz, and Linda Wasmer Andrews (2007)


Summary: We've all felt occasional pangs of shyness and self-consciousness, but for the 15 million Americans with social anxiety disorder, the fear of being scrutinized and criticized can reach disabling proportions. Such was the case for Emily Ford, who shares her firsthand experiences in these pages. Emily's true story of fear, struggle, and ultimate triumph is sure to resonate with other socially anxious teenagers and young adults.

Emily's frank, often witty, sometimes poignant account of how she negotiated all the obstacles of social anxiety--and eventually overcame them with the help of therapy and hard work--makes for compelling reading. Yet this book is more than just a memoir. Emily's story is coupled with the latest medical and scientific information about the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and self-management of social anxiety disorder (or SAD). Readers will find a wealth of solid advice and genuine inspiration here. In engaging, accessible language--and with the help of psychiatrist Michael Liebowitz--she discusses what is known and not known about social anxiety disorder in adolescents. She outlines the various psychotherapies available for those with SAD and explains how to seek professional help, how to talk to family and friends about the illness, and how to handle difficult social situations. The result is both an absorbing story and a useful guide that will help to ease the isolation caused by SAD, encouraging young people to believe that, with commitment and hard work, they can overcome this illness.

Book cover for the complete CBT guide for anxiety
The Complete CBT Guide for Anxiety by Roz Shafran, Lee Brosan, and Peter J Cooper (2013)

Print book
Call number: RC 531 C66 2013 (Vanier Library)

Summary: A self-help guide to all the anxiety disorders: generalised anxiety disorder, health anxiety, panic, phobias, social anxiety, OCD. Edited by three leading CBT clinicians in the UK, it offers individual CBT-based treatments for a wide range of anxiety problems. Each individual treatment reflects current treatment in the UK for that anxiety disorder and is written by the clinician responsible for developing that treatment in the first place.

Book cover for aware
Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence, the Groundbreaking Meditation Practice by Daniel J Siegel (2018)

Print book
Call number: BF 637 S4 S54 2018 (Vanier Library)

Summary: An in-depth look at the science that underlies meditation's effectiveness, Aware teaches readers how to harness the power of the principle "Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connection grows." Daniel Siegel reveals how developing a Wheel of Awareness practice to focus attention, open awareness, and cultivate kind intention can literally help you grow a healthier brain and reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in your life.

Book cover for coping with life challenges
Coping with Life Challenges by Chris L Kleinke (1998)

Print book
Call number: BF 335 K59 1998 (Webster Library)

Summary: Everyone faces difficult decisions in life, and this book is designed to provide readers with coping strategies and skills they can use to make the most of difficult situations. Writing in a direct, easy-to-understand style, Kleinke offers very practical, "do-able" suggestions. After completing Kleinke's book, readers will have an expanded repertoire of coping skills that will give them greater control of their lives.

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