Topic: marketing

A new study shows that wine experts differ by geographic region

200 students display their marketing research projects

John Molson MSc in Marketing ranked #1 in Canada

The Consumer Behaviour Poster Session is back!

Concordia sexual-violence prevention campaign wins gold

“What managers should know about the sharing economy”

Marketing undergrad shadows Cossette CEO for a day

First-ever Consumer Behaviour Poster Session

New departmental leadership at JMSB

Do thoughts of death change our shopping habits?

Why eco-friendly store brands are a ‘win-win-win situation’

Canada’s next top ad execs … from Concordia

‘It’s the motivated students who apply’

Why daring to compare online prices pays offline

The boy in the Barbie commercial breaks down stereotypes … or does he?

A prescription to cure Big Pharma’s image problem

Q&A with a business leader

Ask an expert: are 5,000% drug-price hikes business as usual?

Chicken fries: the secret to a Burger King success story