Topic: arts

Preview: Oscillations of the Visible

A creative investment in people

Italian theatre comes to Concordia

The FOFA Gallery presents: Noble | Jin | Pupo, Friesen, Flannigan

Finalists announced for 2014 Bronfman Fellowship

Painting & Drawing Artist's Talk Series presents: CAROL WAINIO

Conversations in Contemporary Art presents Elisabeth Belliveau

Conversations in Contemporary Art presents Janet Werner

How Concordia’s business school became an art gallery

The art of the heart transplant

‘The Encuentro is a provocation’

Hybrid Bodies: Art is where the heart is

Play as Inquiry event construes practices as play

Tensions in translation at the FOFA Gallery

Conversations in Contemporary Art presents SISSEL TOLAAS

Jan. 31 - Workshop: Smell is Information, Purpose, Communication

In Memoriam: Russell T. Gordon, 1936-2013

Good theatre make good neighbours

Bronfman Fellow Kim Waldron wins the Pierre-Ayot Award

Work of cinema prof installed at UofT

Fashioning the Future

Long Service Award Recipients 2013

Why the future of synthetic biology will be interdisciplinary

Lynn Hughes on video games

Fall 2013 Convocation

Concordia Remembers competition announced

Be part of the art

Vitrine Exhibition - Oli Sorenson: Art Google