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Integrated planning

Our integrated-planning framework and implementation strategies support Concordia’s institutional priorities. Integrated planning supports data-informed decision-making, and informs areas such as space planning, budget, data analytics and forecasting. Our work includes harmonizing university-wide planning, budget, and data efforts as well as the development of new initiatives.

Daniel Therrien

Daniel Therrien

Associate Vice-President of Integrated Planning (AVPIP)

Daniel Therrien began as the university’s Associate Vice-President of Integrated Planning (AVPIP) on March 8, 2023, harmonizing existing university-wide planning, budget, and data efforts. 

Within this role Daniel works in collaboration with the university’s senior leadership building on existing strategies to develop an institutional integrated-planning framework that supports institutional priorities.

Critical to this work, the AVPIP oversees a coordinated approach to data analytics and forecasting to support data-informed decision making. As the university’s Chief Data Officer,the AVPIP develops and implements Concordia’s data strategy.

Therrien first joined Concordia in 1998 and served as University Controller from 2010 to 2016 and Registrar from 2016 to 2018. After a time as Registrar at École de Technologie Supérieure, he returned to Concordia in 2019 as Executive Director of Strategic Business Units’ Compliance and Support.

Therrien has also participated in several discussion tables with the Ministère de l’enseignement supérieure over the years and served as a member of the Conseil consultatif sur l’accessibilité financière aux études of the Quebec Government.  He is presently acting as a Board member on the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) representing the Quebec region.

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