Anne Whitelaw
Provost and Vice-President
Anne Whitelaw became Concordia University’s provost and vice-president, Academic in July 2021, having held the position on an interim basis since 2019. As the chief academic officer and chief operating officer of the university, she provides academic leadership and vision to enhance innovative teaching and learning, leads the academic planning process and ensures a superior learning environment.
Whitelaw joined Concordia’s Department of Art History as associate professor in January 2011 after serving for 11 years as a faculty member in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Alberta.
She is a member of the Comité des affaires académiques of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI), where she chairs the Groupe de travail mixte sur les violences à caractères sexuels. She is a member of the board of Metropolis Bleu, and sits on the Steering Committee of the Consortium of English-language CEGPS, Colleges and Universities of Quebec.