Areas of leadership
The following areas fall under the purview of the Provost.

Black Perspectives Office
Providing resources, support, connections and advocacy for Black perspectives, initiatives and scholarship at Concordia University.

Faculty Development and Inclusion
Creating a work environment that accords with applicable collective agreements, provides necessary training and support, and handles conflicts in a fair, collaborative and transparent manner.

Indigenous Directions
A gathering place to learn more about Indigenous topics, courses, research, and projects happening within Concordia University and beyond.

Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Strategic leadership in the development of curriculum innovation; design and delivery of a digital education roadmap; and promotion of inter-institutional learning opportunities for students.

Lifelong Learning
Expanding learning opportunities beyong the traditional modes to include language testing and training, as well as soft skills.

Office of Community Engagement
Developing meaningful relationships between the university and the diverse communities of Montreal.

Experiential Learning
Development of partnerships with external organizations to expand opportunities for experiential learning, co-operative education, extra- and co-curricular activities, and academic community engagement.

Enrolment and Student Experience
Developing a robust institutional planning capacity, including an integrated enrolment management plan, academic recruitment and retention strategies, as well as the overall experience of Concordia students.

SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation
Concordia’s response to the question of how universities can mobilize around grand challenges.