Launch of the CCCA Academy
16 October 2014, at 4:00
Concordia University, EV-3.719

Launch of the CCCA Academy
The Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art is proud to launch the CCCA (Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art) Academy, a web-based laboratory and educational forum devoted to reinforcing research activities and creating communities of pedagogical practice.
This inaugural event is a conversation about the aims of the CCCA Academy
and its first two projects: an innovative website, Envisioning Virtual Exhibitions / Imaginer des expositions virtuelles, and a ground-breaking e-publication, Global Engagements in Contemporary Canadian Art: Thirty-Nine Exhibition Essays and Fifty-Five Artists / Art contemporain canadien et mobilisation universelle : trenteneuf textes d’exposition; cinquante-cinq artistes.
The speakers are project director Dr. Loren Lerner, designer Pata Macedo, and five participants, Philipp Dominik Keidl, Tara Ng, Victoria Nolte, Chantale Potié, and John Toohey.