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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather


In addition to research projects, conferences and other initatives, publications are an important way that JEX disseminates the information and findings of its members. Here is a select list of key publications.

Selected books by JEX members

Recent publications by JEX members

  • (forthcoming) Elyse Amend. "Health Journalism." In E. Ho, C. Bylund & J. van Weert, eds. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley. 
  • (2018) Elyse Amend. “The Confused Canadian Eater: Quantification, Personal Responsibility, and Canada’s Food Guide.” Journal of Canadian Studies, 52(3) (2018): 718-741. DOI: 10.3138/jcs.52.3.2017-0074.r2
  • (2018) Elyse Amend. “My Food Guide, Their Food Guide: dealing with diversity and personalization in Canada’s national dietary guidelines.” CuiZine, 8(1), (2018) Online

  • (2020) Thibault, Simon, Virginie Hébert, Colette Brin, Frédérick Bastien et Tania Gosselin. 2020. « L’autonomie journalistique et ses limites : enquête pancanadienne auprès d’anciens praticiens ». Communiquer, Revue de communication sociale et publique, p. 15-37. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.6498
  • (2020) Thibault, Simon, Frédérick Bastien, Tania Gosselin, Colette Brin et Colin Scott. 2020. « Is there a distinct Quebec media subsystem in Canada? Evidence of ideological and political orientations among Canadian news media organizations ». Canadian Journal of Political Science. DOI : 10.1017/S0008423920000189
  • (2020) Brin, Colette. 2020. « Le journalisme, à la recherche des faits » (ch. 13) dans Denault, Vincent, dir., De l’enquête au procès. La science pour développer de meilleures pratiques, vol. 1. Montréal : Yvon Blais, p. 287-305.
  • (2020) Brin, Colette et Ryan MacDonald. 2020. « News Editors » (ch. 5) dans Alex Marland et Thierry Giasson, dir., Managing the Election. Democracy at Work in Canada. Vancouver : UBC Press, p. 60-67.
  • (2020) Brin, Colette et coll. 2020. « Tribunaux et médias : Vers des meilleures pratiques de communication judiciaire » (ch. 6), dans Pierre Noreau, dir., 22 chantiers pour l’accès à la justice, Yvon Blais, p. 113-130.
  • (2018) Giasson, Thierry, Marie-Michèle Sauvageau et Colette Brin. 2018. « From Media Wave to Media Tsunami. The “Charter of Values” Debate in Quebec, 2012-2014 ». Dans Vasterman, Peter, dir., From Media Hype to Twitter Storm. The dynamics of self-reinforcing processes in news waves. Amsterdam University Press, p. 167-186. PDF Book
  • (2018) Brin, Colette, Véronique Guèvremont, Maxime Mariage et Diane St-Pierre. 2018. « Promouvoir la diversité des expressions culturelles à l'ère numérique: le rôle de l’État et des médias. » Les Cahiers du journalisme - Recherches, 2(2), R49-R68. DOI: 10.31188/CaJsm.2(2).2018.R049
  • (2018) Chacon, Geneviève, Thierry Giasson et Colette Brin. 2018. « “That’s what I’m talking about”. Twitter as a Promotional Tool for Political Journalists ». Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture, special issue : "Journalists on Social Media: Politics, Privacy, Personal Branding". DOI: 10.1080/15405702.2018.1535657

  • (2020) Amélie Daoust-Boisvert and D. Bérard. "Journalisme de solutions : une pratique marginale en émergence au Canada". Les Cahiers du Journalisme, seconde série, numéro 5 (2020) p. R81-R88. Online
  • (2020) Book review: "Katie Moylan (2019), The Cultural Work of Community Radio". Communication, vol. 37(2). DOI: 10.4000/communication.12398

  • (2018) François Demers and Julien Rueff. 2018. «Penser politiquement la communication publique», Communication, vol. 35/1, Online

  • (2021) Chantal Francoeur. Bodying the Journalist. Brazilian Journalism Review17(1), (2021): 202–227. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v17n1.2021.1354.
  • (2020) Chantal Francoeur. Le corps du journaliste : un outil capteur, transducteur et dépositaire au service de la démarche journalistique. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, vol. 19 (2020). DOI: 10.4000/rfsic.8959.
  • (2020) Chantal Francoeur, É. George, É., S. Lamoureux, et J.-H. Roy. Un demi-siècle de recherches uqamiennes sur le journalisme : état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir. Communiquer, no. 28-29-30(2020): 23–45. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.4904.
  • (2018) Chantal Francoeur. Les pratiques et les discours des relationnistes média au Québec : dans les marges de la transparence, la rigueur, la diligence et l’équité. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 12 (2018). DOI: 10.4000/rfsic.3479.
  • (2018) Chantal Francoeur. L’augmentation de contenu venant des relations publiques dans les nouvelles québécoises entre 1988 et 2016 : le cas de six quotidiens. Communiquer, 23 (2018): 61–79. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.2961.

  • (2019) Brian Gabrial. The Democrats Divide: Newspaper Coverage of the 1860 Presidential Conventions. In The Antebellum Press: Setting the Stage for Civil War. Edited by David B. Sachsman, Gregory A. Borchard, Dea Lisica (New York: Routledge, 2019), 11 pp.
  • (2017) Brian Gabrial. A Moral Panic on the Plains? Press Culpability and the 1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee. In After the War. The Press in a Changing America, 1865–1900. Edited by David B. Sachsman and Lisica Dea (New York: Routledge, 2017), 17 pp.

  • (Forthcoming) Mike Gasher. Maps of the News: Journalism as a Practice of Cartography, Mainz, Germany: Steiner Verlag.
  • (2020) Mike Gasher, David Skinner & Natalie Coulter. Media and Communication in Canada. Networks, Culture, Technology, Audiences. Ninth Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2020.
  • (2017) Mike Gasher. Sustaining Spaces, Patrolling Borders: News Coverage of Migrating Peoples. In Peter Berglez, Ulrika Olausson & Mart Ots, eds., What is Sustainable Journalism? Integrating the Environmental, Social and Economic Challengesof Journalism New York: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 181-198.

  • (2021) Andrea Hunter. 2021. Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing in Journalism. London: Routledge
  • (2020) Megan Aston, Sheri Price, Andrea Hunter, J. Etowa, M. Sim, J. Monaghan, and M. Payton. 2020. Second Opinions: Negotiating Agency in Online Mothering Forums. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1177/0844562120940554
  • (2019) Andrea Hunter. From the Women’s Pages to the Digital Ages: Women and Journalism in Canada. In L. Nichols (ed.),Working Women in Canada: An Intersectional Approach. Toronto: Women’s Press, Canadian Scholars’ Press. 2019, pp. 287-302
  • (2019) Nicole Cohen, Andrea Hunter and Penny O’Donnell (2019). Bearing the Burden of Corporate Restructuring: Job Loss and Precarious Employment in Canadian Journalism. Journalism Practice, 13(7): pp. 817-833. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1571937
  • (2018) Andrea Hunter and Jacqueline Di Bartolomeo. 2018. “We’re a movement”: Crowdfunding, journalism and feminism. Feminist Media Studies, 19(2): pp. 273-287. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1434805
  • (2018) Andrea Hunter. 2018. “It’s like having a second full-time job”: Crowdfunding, journalism and labour. In K. Rafter (ed.) Entrepreneurial Journalism. Routledge.

  • (2017) Greg Nielsen et al. (eds) About Poverty. Special issue of Sur le journalisme / About Journalism / Sobre Journalismo, vol. 6(1).
  • (2014) Greg Nielsen, Daniel Salée and Chantal Maillé (eds). 2014. Revealing Democracy: Secularism and Religion in Liberal Democratic States. Brussels: Peter Lang.

  • (2019) Nicole Cohen, Andrea Hunter, and Penny O'Donnell. "Bearing the Burden of Corporate Restructuring: Job Loss and Precarious Employment in Canadian Journalism". Journalism Practice, 13(7) (2019): 817-833. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1571937
  • (2019) Penny O'Donnell and Lawrie Zion. "Precarity in Media Work". In Mark Deuze, Mirjam Prenger (eds.), Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), pp. 223-234. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvcj305r.18
  • (2018) Penny O'Donnell. "Australian Journalists at Work". In Eric Freedman, Robyn S. Goodman, Elanie Steyn (eds.), Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences, (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 24-34.
  • (2018) Lawrie Zion, Merryn Sherwood, Penny O'Donnell, Timothy Marjoribanks, Matthew Ricketson, Andrew Dodd, and Monika Winarnita. New Beats Report: Mass redundancies and career change in Australian journalism, (Melbourne: The New Beats Project, 2018), pp. 1-28.
  • (2018) Merryn Sherwood, and Penny O'Donnell. "Once a Journalist, Always a Journalist? Industry Restructure, Job Loss and Professional Identity". Journalism Studies, 19(7) (2018): 1021-1038. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1249007

  • (2016) Marc Raboy. Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

  • (2020) Aphrodite Salas. What role can journalism schools play in reconciliation? Policy Options / Options Politiques, 26 June 2020. Online

  • (2018) Pouria Nazemi and David Secko. “Recent Books in Science Communication: Practice, Ethics, and a Perspective on New Spaces in Digital Videos,” Journal of Communication 68(6) (2018): E73–E76. DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqy058
  • (2017) David Secko, An Exploration of the Lived Experience of African Journalists during the 2014 Ebola Crisis, IDRC Research Report - URL
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