In addition to research projects, conferences and other initatives, publications are an important way that JEX disseminates the information and findings of its members. Here is a select list of key publications.
Selected books by JEX members
- Andrea Hunter (2021). Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing in Journalism. London: Routledge.
- Mike Gasher, David Skinner & Natalie Coulter (eds) (2020). Media and Communication in Canada. Networks, Culture, Technology, Audiences. Ninth Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
- Nadège Broustau and Chantal Francoeur (eds). (2017). Relations publiques et journalisme : dynamiques de collaboration, de conflit et de consentement. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
- Greg M. Nielsen (co-editor) (2017). Special Issue of About Journalism on Poverty and Journalism
- Brian Grabrial (2016). The Press and the Slavery in America, 1791-1859: The Melancholy Effect of Popular Excitement. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
- Mike Gasher, Colette Brin, Christine Crowther, Gretchen King, Errol Salamon and Simon Thibault (eds) (2016). Journalism in Crisis: Bridging Theory and Practice for Democratic Media Strategies in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Marc Raboy (2016). Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mary Vipond (2011). The Mass Media in Canada: Fourth Edition. Formac Publishing Company Limited.
Recent publications by JEX members
- (forthcoming) Elyse Amend. "Health Journalism." In E. Ho, C. Bylund & J. van Weert, eds. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley.
- (2018) Elyse Amend. “The Confused Canadian Eater: Quantification, Personal Responsibility, and Canada’s Food Guide.” Journal of Canadian Studies, 52(3) (2018): 718-741. DOI: 10.3138/jcs.52.3.2017-0074.r2
- (2018) Elyse Amend. “My Food Guide, Their Food Guide: dealing with diversity and personalization in Canada’s national dietary guidelines.” CuiZine, 8(1), (2018) Online
- (2020) Thibault, Simon, Virginie Hébert, Colette Brin, Frédérick Bastien et Tania Gosselin. 2020. « L’autonomie journalistique et ses limites : enquête pancanadienne auprès d’anciens praticiens ». Communiquer, Revue de communication sociale et publique, p. 15-37. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.6498
- (2020) Thibault, Simon, Frédérick Bastien, Tania Gosselin, Colette Brin et Colin Scott. 2020. « Is there a distinct Quebec media subsystem in Canada? Evidence of ideological and political orientations among Canadian news media organizations ». Canadian Journal of Political Science. DOI : 10.1017/S0008423920000189
- (2020) Brin, Colette. 2020. « Le journalisme, à la recherche des faits » (ch. 13) dans Denault, Vincent, dir., De l’enquête au procès. La science pour développer de meilleures pratiques, vol. 1. Montréal : Yvon Blais, p. 287-305.
- (2020) Brin, Colette et Ryan MacDonald. 2020. « News Editors » (ch. 5) dans Alex Marland et Thierry Giasson, dir., Managing the Election. Democracy at Work in Canada. Vancouver : UBC Press, p. 60-67.
- (2020) Brin, Colette et coll. 2020. « Tribunaux et médias : Vers des meilleures pratiques de communication judiciaire » (ch. 6), dans Pierre Noreau, dir., 22 chantiers pour l’accès à la justice, Yvon Blais, p. 113-130.
- (2018) Giasson, Thierry, Marie-Michèle Sauvageau et Colette Brin. 2018. « From Media Wave to Media Tsunami. The “Charter of Values” Debate in Quebec, 2012-2014 ». Dans Vasterman, Peter, dir., From Media Hype to Twitter Storm. The dynamics of self-reinforcing processes in news waves. Amsterdam University Press, p. 167-186. PDF Book
- (2018) Brin, Colette, Véronique Guèvremont, Maxime Mariage et Diane St-Pierre. 2018. « Promouvoir la diversité des expressions culturelles à l'ère numérique: le rôle de l’État et des médias. » Les Cahiers du journalisme - Recherches, 2(2), R49-R68. DOI: 10.31188/CaJsm.2(2).2018.R049
- (2018) Chacon, Geneviève, Thierry Giasson et Colette Brin. 2018. « “That’s what I’m talking about”. Twitter as a Promotional Tool for Political Journalists ». Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture, special issue : "Journalists on Social Media: Politics, Privacy, Personal Branding". DOI: 10.1080/15405702.2018.1535657
- (2020) Amélie Daoust-Boisvert and D. Bérard. "Journalisme de solutions : une pratique marginale en émergence au Canada". Les Cahiers du Journalisme, seconde série, numéro 5 (2020) p. R81-R88. Online
- (2020) Book review: "Katie Moylan (2019), The Cultural Work of Community Radio". Communication, vol. 37(2). DOI: 10.4000/communication.12398
- (2018) François Demers and Julien Rueff. 2018. «Penser politiquement la communication publique», Communication, vol. 35/1, Online
- (2021) Chantal Francoeur. Bodying the Journalist. Brazilian Journalism Review, 17(1), (2021): 202–227. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v17n1.2021.1354.
- (2020) Chantal Francoeur. Le corps du journaliste : un outil capteur, transducteur et dépositaire au service de la démarche journalistique. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, vol. 19 (2020). DOI: 10.4000/rfsic.8959.
- (2020) Chantal Francoeur, É. George, É., S. Lamoureux, et J.-H. Roy. Un demi-siècle de recherches uqamiennes sur le journalisme : état des lieux et perspectives d’avenir. Communiquer, no. 28-29-30(2020): 23–45. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.4904.
- (2018) Chantal Francoeur. Les pratiques et les discours des relationnistes média au Québec : dans les marges de la transparence, la rigueur, la diligence et l’équité. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 12 (2018). DOI: 10.4000/rfsic.3479.
- (2018) Chantal Francoeur. L’augmentation de contenu venant des relations publiques dans les nouvelles québécoises entre 1988 et 2016 : le cas de six quotidiens. Communiquer, 23 (2018): 61–79. DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.2961.
- (2019) Brian Gabrial. The Democrats Divide: Newspaper Coverage of the 1860 Presidential Conventions. In The Antebellum Press: Setting the Stage for Civil War. Edited by David B. Sachsman, Gregory A. Borchard, Dea Lisica (New York: Routledge, 2019), 11 pp.
- (2017) Brian Gabrial. A Moral Panic on the Plains? Press Culpability and the 1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee. In After the War. The Press in a Changing America, 1865–1900. Edited by David B. Sachsman and Lisica Dea (New York: Routledge, 2017), 17 pp.
- (Forthcoming) Mike Gasher. Maps of the News: Journalism as a Practice of Cartography, Mainz, Germany: Steiner Verlag.
- (2020) Mike Gasher, David Skinner & Natalie Coulter. Media and Communication in Canada. Networks, Culture, Technology, Audiences. Ninth Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2020.
- (2017) Mike Gasher. Sustaining Spaces, Patrolling Borders: News Coverage of Migrating Peoples. In Peter Berglez, Ulrika Olausson & Mart Ots, eds., What is Sustainable Journalism? Integrating the Environmental, Social and Economic Challengesof Journalism New York: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 181-198.
- (2021) Andrea Hunter. 2021. Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing in Journalism. London: Routledge
- (2020) Megan Aston, Sheri Price, Andrea Hunter, J. Etowa, M. Sim, J. Monaghan, and M. Payton. 2020. Second Opinions: Negotiating Agency in Online Mothering Forums. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1177/0844562120940554
- (2019) Andrea Hunter. From the Women’s Pages to the Digital Ages: Women and Journalism in Canada. In L. Nichols (ed.),Working Women in Canada: An Intersectional Approach. Toronto: Women’s Press, Canadian Scholars’ Press. 2019, pp. 287-302
- (2019) Nicole Cohen, Andrea Hunter and Penny O’Donnell (2019). Bearing the Burden of Corporate Restructuring: Job Loss and Precarious Employment in Canadian Journalism. Journalism Practice, 13(7): pp. 817-833. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1571937
- (2018) Andrea Hunter and Jacqueline Di Bartolomeo. 2018. “We’re a movement”: Crowdfunding, journalism and feminism. Feminist Media Studies, 19(2): pp. 273-287. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1434805
- (2018) Andrea Hunter. 2018. “It’s like having a second full-time job”: Crowdfunding, journalism and labour. In K. Rafter (ed.) Entrepreneurial Journalism. Routledge.
- (2017) Greg Nielsen et al. (eds) About Poverty. Special issue of Sur le journalisme / About Journalism / Sobre Journalismo, vol. 6(1).
- (2014) Greg Nielsen, Daniel Salée and Chantal Maillé (eds). 2014. Revealing Democracy: Secularism and Religion in Liberal Democratic States. Brussels: Peter Lang.
- (2019) Nicole Cohen, Andrea Hunter, and Penny O'Donnell. "Bearing the Burden of Corporate Restructuring: Job Loss and Precarious Employment in Canadian Journalism". Journalism Practice, 13(7) (2019): 817-833. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1571937
- (2019) Penny O'Donnell and Lawrie Zion. "Precarity in Media Work". In Mark Deuze, Mirjam Prenger (eds.), Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), pp. 223-234. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvcj305r.18
- (2018) Penny O'Donnell. "Australian Journalists at Work". In Eric Freedman, Robyn S. Goodman, Elanie Steyn (eds.), Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences, (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 24-34.
- (2018) Lawrie Zion, Merryn Sherwood, Penny O'Donnell, Timothy Marjoribanks, Matthew Ricketson, Andrew Dodd, and Monika Winarnita. New Beats Report: Mass redundancies and career change in Australian journalism, (Melbourne: The New Beats Project, 2018), pp. 1-28.
- (2018) Merryn Sherwood, and Penny O'Donnell. "Once a Journalist, Always a Journalist? Industry Restructure, Job Loss and Professional Identity". Journalism Studies, 19(7) (2018): 1021-1038. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1249007
- (2016) Marc Raboy. Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
- (2020) Aphrodite Salas. What role can journalism schools play in reconciliation? Policy Options / Options Politiques, 26 June 2020. Online
- (2018) Pouria Nazemi and David Secko. “Recent Books in Science Communication: Practice, Ethics, and a Perspective on New Spaces in Digital Videos,” Journal of Communication 68(6) (2018): E73–E76. DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqy058
- (2017) David Secko, An Exploration of the Lived Experience of African Journalists during the 2014 Ebola Crisis, IDRC Research Report - URL